文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)administration
The day that Korea's separation of powers collapsed
鈴置高史(Takabu-mi Suzu-oki)
Solve various misunderstandings! After World War II
What is the true history of Japan-Korea relations?
Guest: Historian and critic 八幡和郎(Kazuo Yawata)

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- "Democrats are both"

And there is a political party besides the Liberal Korean Party ...

The correct future party, which advocates the middle right in the opposition second party,
Radical left justice party,
Left Democratic Peace Party, based on Jeollanam-do
There are alternative new parties that split off from that.

The “Democratic Party Together” announced that these four political parties will be elected
A bill to increase the proportion of proportional representation is presented.
Feeding a new election law in favor of small parties
They agreed with the Bill for the Establishment of the High Commissioner for Investigation.

Since the "Democratic Party together" has less than half the seats,
If these four parties turned around, the bill would not have passed.
Later generations of Koreans, in addition to the brutal “Democratic Party”,
I think that you will be regretting the selfishness of the four political parties.
Judiciary and legislation in perpetuity
- how are conservatives opposed?

First, "The High Commissioner for Injustice and Investigation violates the Constitution."
There is a hand to appeal to the Constitutional Court.
Although it is not written in the constitution,
It is alleged that it is unconstitutional to create an organization that disrupts the separation of powers.

However, it is doubtful that the Constitutional Court will allow this.
Many judges are left-wing,
The judge of the Constitutional Court himself is the subject of investigation by the High Commissioner for Injustice.

Conservatives have another way to prevent high-level fraud investigations.
Launch is scheduled for around July 2020
That's why in the April general election, we secure a majority of the seats and pass the abolition bill.
In fact, conservatives are ready to do everything in the general election.
But this is where the new election law passed on December 27, 2019 comes into effect.

In the April election, the proportion of proportional representatives suddenly increases,
It has become difficult for the Liberal Korean Party to take the majority.
On the contrary, even small conservative parties fall to less than a third of the seats,
It may even allow the Left to amend the Constitution.

News Agency and Nusys have estimated the proportionate seats of the factions based on recent approval ratings.
(December 27, Korean).

According to it, out of all 300 seats combined with the regional ward,
The Liberal Party is expected to remain at 105 seats, three seats lower than the current 108 seats.

In both cases, the Democratic Party has managed really well.
At the same time as weakening conservatives in Congress, he brought prosecutors under his umbrella with his returning sword.

It 李海瓚(I Haechan,이해찬,イ・ヘチャン)a representative of the Democratic Party,
It had heard a lot about advocating "100 years of doctrine".
It means that the leftists will continue to take power.
The leftists will hold down the judiciary and legislation and lay the foundation for a "permanent administration".

● South Korea's last president


Syngman Rhee,이승만

( July 1948- April 1960 )

Criticized for illegal election, exiled to Shimono, Hawaii.

Police fire at demonstration of request to resign, killing 183 people nationwide


Yun Posun,윤보선)

( August 1960- March 1962 )

Shimono protested over the seizure of the government by a military coup.

The parliamentary cabinet president had no real power


Park Chung-hee,박정희)

( December 1963

October 1979 )

Assassinated by a confidential KCIA director.

1974 in Japan 在日(Zainichi Korean)

Shot by a Korean by a short gun,

在日 ( Zainichi Korean

= Korean with the status of special permanent residents of Japan )

Mrs. 陸英修(Yuk Young-soo,육영수)is killed


Che gyuha Kyu-ha,


( December 1979- August 1980 )

With the assassination of President Park,

From the prime minister to the president after acting as president.

Resigned for military seizure


Chun Doo-hwan,


( September 1980- February 1988 )

After his retirement, he was pursued for his relatives' injustice and lived in seclusion.

Death sentence sentenced to the responsibility of Gwangju case by retroactive legislation (later pardon)


No Tae-woo,노태우)

( February 1988- February 1993 )

After retiring, together with Mr. 全斗煥(Chun Doo-hwan,전두환), Be cause of retrospective legislation
Prison sentence sentenced to liability in 光州(Gwangju) case (later pardon)


Kim Young-sam,


( February 1993- February 1998 )

The second son was arrested in 1997 and sentenced to two years in prison.

Criminal charge involved fraudulent financing to Hanbao group caused by currency crisis


Kim Tae-jung,김대중)

( February 1998- February 2003 )

All three sons arrested for bribery at the end of term


Roh Moo-hyun,


( February 2003- February 2008 )

After retiring, his brother was arrested for bribery.

He also heard from the prosecutor in April 2009 on charges of bribery.

Suicide in May of the same year


Lee Myung-bak,


( February 2008- February 2013 )

Arrested in March 2018 for bribery, liability, or abuse.

15 years in prison for one trial, 13 billion won fine (about 1,257.57 million yen,About $ 11.57 million ) 

His brother, who also served as president of the Korean Parliament, was arrested for bribery bribery

2 years in prison

⑪ 朴槿恵

Park Geun-hye,


( February 2013- March 2017 )

On March 10 , 2017, he was dismissed in an impeachment trial.

Arrested for bribery, abuse of office, etc., 24 years in prison for 1 trial, fine

18 billion won (approximately ¥ 1,743.14 million US $ 16.04 million )Ruling of

文在寅(MoonJae-in,문재인) clears the grudges of his allies

-100 years of administration is exaggerated .

I'm serious.
In Korea, if you go down in the field, you will be beaten to the side that has gained power until it is ragged.
Once you hold power, you can never let go.
Please see “The Last Road of South Korean Presidents”.
"To die in one's own bed"
――Because of so therefore Korea, there is no president who died on Ondol.
Especially now, Korea's left wing right wing confrontation is extreme.
The 文在寅(MoonJae-in,문재인)administration calls the conservatives 積弊(deep-roote devil), the root of all evil, and beats them thoroughly.
Not just two former presidents were thrown into jail.

Author of the Chosun Ilbo 楊相勲(Yang Sang Hoon,양 이상훈)
(Korean version on March 22, 2018)
In March 2018, 110 bureaucrats during the conservative administration were charged,
Nearly 60 people have been detained.
Eleven persons were imprisoned only in the Secretary / Secretary class.

If the conservatives take power next time
It is visibly re-thorough.
left wing can not afford to pass the administration.
In that case, even if it breaks down, such as the separation of powers, it has no choice but to seize power.

――Why now, suddenly
Did the confrontation between the left and right sides intensify ?

President 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)
Allies named former President 盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현)
He believe he was killed by conservatives.
The 李明博(Lee Myung-bak,이명박)administration used prosecutors to investigate allegations,
He chose the suicide path because he could not stand the pressure.
This is a grudge game.

In addition, the North Korean factor is also large.
conservatives values ​​the alliance with the United States.
On the other hand, the leftists believe that reconciliation with North Korea, the same ethnic group, is essential.
As tensions intensify over North Korea's nuclear weapons,
Pro-American conservatives and ethnic leftists have no room for compromise.
Death of democracy-but still in Korea,
Democracy is set back ...

You will be greeted with surprise in Japan.
Democratization has progressed in many Asian economies that have grown since the 1980s.

For this reason, it is natural for democracy to evolve,
Many people think.
And like in Korea,
In Japan, there is a misunderstanding that the left is the promoter of democracy.

But democracy is not going on.
Democracy is even going down.
Remember Germany, Italy and Japan between the World War II.

Democracy also declined in Latin America after World War II, and dictatorships appeared one after another.
By the way, Venezuela's democracy was destroyed by the left-wing government.

"Why and how does democracy fall?"
Was published in 2018.
Written by Harvard University Professors Steven Levitsky and Professor Daniel Ziblatt
(January 2018).
A Japanese translation is also published under the title of " Democracy's Death ."

As in the past, the military overthrew a democratic regime in a coup,
The number of cases of strong rule has decreased.
Meanwhile, the administration born through the election is destroying the separation of powers
-Patterns of changing to a dictatorship while destroying democracy have increased,
Point out.
These days, Hungary, Turkey and Venezuela are among them.
Embrace the referee and miss the opponent-at any time,
How is democracy set back ?

"When a fierce domestic conflict occurs," the book points out.
If you judge that "If you do not kill the opposing forces, you will be done"
Even if it is a democratically elected government, it will break the separation of powers.

――That ’s Korea today .

Chapter 4 of Democracy's Death Disrupts Democracy
The three techniques are described using a soccer game as an example.
(1) Embrace the referee = rule the justice
(2) Missing an opponent = arrest of an opposing politician, etc.
(3) Change rules = change constituencies

The 文在寅(MoonJae-in,문재인) administration uses all three tactics.
Chapter 9 describes Korea as "a country that has maintained its system after democratization."
One of them.
I don't know if Korea will be so classified in the next edition of this book ...