Rethinking freedom of expression
at art festival for Japanese
For discussions such as "Anti-Korea Karuta"
Aichi Trica Enahare 2019 “Freedom of Expression”

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A political organization
Organized `` Aichi Tricaena Hare 2019 `` Freedom of Expression '' ''
Held on 27th, “Lunrun Fun Japan-Korea Break off relations
Exhibits that want to be written
“The contents of Karuta arouse Korea.”
The dispute over freedom of expression reignited online

On the “Art Festival for the Japanese” held in Nagoya, Aichi, Japan on the 27th,

The dispute over freedom of expression reignited online.

This art festival was organized by a political organization

“Art Festival Aichi Trica Enahare 2019“ Freedom of Expression ””.

The title is the International Art Festival held in Aichi Prefecture

Aware of “Aichi Triennale 2019”.

In addition to giving a lecture at this exhibition,

it expresses the lameness of Korean soldiers during the Vietnam War

"Laidahan statue", a bag written largely as inconvenient,

"Lunrun Fun Japan-Korea Break off relations "

"Criminals are always Koreans"

"Karuta 100 barrage" and so on were displayed.

Aichi Triennale Special Exhibition

"Expression inconvenience exhibition, then"

Then 慰安婦 ( Comfort Woman = Sex Slave = Prostitute )

"Peaceful (Comfort Woman = Sex Slave = Prostitute) girl"

symbolizing the problem,

Exhibiting images of the portrait army,

including the person who is believed to be Emperor Showa, with a perspective.

Is it art?

Is it acceptable for a work of art?

There was a lot of debate about whether or not to make public money.

Tricaena Hare made a lecture and exhibition work on YouTube.

On the same occasion,

“Regarding the freedom of expression discussed at the Aichi Triennale 2019,

It would like to ask you again to raise a problem from us. ''

They was calling.

On the day of the event,

It told the venue in real time

that there were opponents who wanted to cancel the exhibition.

Isn't the contents of Karuta arouse anti-Korea / hate Korea?

Therefore, spread on the net.

"OK because it is free to express"

"This is also art"

“Aichi Triennale is good, isn’t it?”

"Your public money is not used"

There is a voice advocating.

Aichi, which seems to be a “Mecca of art” in another sense.

Governor Hideaki Aomura (59) who recognized freedom of expression,

Mayor Takashi Kawamura (70), who sat down and protested,

How do you see this “art festival”?


It can't complain even if they was done and returned.
Is this the major principle of society?
I think they did a protest at the Aichi Triennale,

I think it would be good

for the opposition to protest within the scope of this event.
However, even if this local event is hosted by a specific local government,

Opponents can’t complain,

It can't say that this expression is restrictive even if their mouth breaks.
In the first place, this event is not even administratively involved.
You are free to do it personally.
It's sounder than Aichi Triennale.
It would be a problem to restrict this event with public power.
If the Aichi Triennale is also an individual exhibition

It wasn't a lot of noise.
The important thing is not freedom of expression.

The place where the local government and the national government, etc.

Whether or not to use public money for a particular thought,

It's a question of whether

or not to give the approval of the prefecture or country.
If it thinks so, there will be no problem if it is an individual event.

Recommendation    3664   Opposition 54


The original turmoil has become a problem

because it was a place for political claims rather than art.
I don't like An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,

But,Exhibiting political claims as art and putting in public money,

About this much should be forgiven.

Recommendation    3524   Opposite 48


I want to hear the comment of Governor Omura.

Recommendation    3426   Opposition 25


… They should have been able to easily predict this. .

That governor did such a terrible response,

a response that contradicted public opinion. .

Omura, you must go. .

Because it is “art”. .

Recommendation    1565   Opposite 4


He did it well
It's a bit more radical,

but it's better than Oita Governor and Tsuda's work.
This is true,

Compared to the fact that the previous girl (whore)

statue was used for public money in the forged history,

This is not used for public money.

It is a great “freedom of expression” and art.

If I live in Aichi Prefecture, I want to go and support every day.
For those protesting,

I would like to ask you the reason

why the previous inconvenient exhibition is good and this work is not good.
I also borrowed a girl from the work

As a "prostitute" image,
I wanted it to be placed side

by side with a detailed explanation on the Raideihan statue.
Also, the applicants

and the Takeshima problem, the truth of the Han River miracle,

Photo of Korea before annexation of Japan

A newspaper article about the correct history of Korea

Such as presenting evidence and explaining in detail
I think that it became a better exhibition when I prepared it.

Recommendation    1485   Opposition 9



If not, I want to ask why.

Recommendation    1364   Opposite 2


This is the voice of the people. Plenty of irony.

Can you sell if you sell hateful Korea Carta?

Recommendation    1354   Opposite 4


I don't see any reason why this is not good.
Just because I'm doing it in Aichi,

If this is done in Osaka, the mayor and the governor will have to oppose.
that recognizes discrimination expression as freedom of expression,

Aichi is the only prefecture in Japan.

Moreover, the prefectural governor.
However, similar events will be held in other prefectures in the future.

There are plans to hold it in Hiroshima.

We should be alert.
It was held yesterday. I wanted to go see.
This should not be seen as a turn back. 

Freedom of expression in Aichi Prefecture.

Recommendation    1328   Opposite 5


I want to see this one. It looks like an eel dog has appeared.

Recommendation    1291   Opposite 5


Those who think about this are great. Will not sell?
I would like it to be used in school classes.
K-pop and other Korean wave (South Korean pop culture)
Japanese young people

who have been contaminated to know the correct Korea,

I want the young people know contaminated to know the correct Korea..

Recommendation    1182   Opposition 9