Japanese electric component makers are trying to go into
automotive industry. Though they are enjoying good results
because of the smartphone demand now, they targeted automotive
industry as a next field.

There are enough possibilities for them to succeed in automotive industry.
Components used in cars are changing and increasing because;

-safety technologies are being developed and electric devices are
usually used like camera, sensors and electric steering that have
to be controlled by ADAS.
-infotainment needs a lot of electric component, and those components
are similar to smartphones.
-autonomous cars need sensors, high frequency components to connect
internet and computers.

All of the components are purely added components to present cars and need
high durabilities against many years and harsh environment, for example
high temperature and high humidity.To conquer those conditions, components
need high qualities, and Japanese makers have better technologies to make them
than other makers all over the world. Japanese electric makers can keep
advantage over competitors for more decades.