Do you not find sufficient motivation to wage the running shoes and go to the park to do some quilometers? You can't find a hole in your agenda to go to the gym or pool? Not even the last analytics, those that attest to the existence in your veins of a slight presence of cholesterol, are they threatening enough to convince you to sweat a little every day on the tape will help you to avoid in the future or less close to any cardiovascular problem of still undetermined gravity? Nor do you decide to do sports? What if we told you that the practice of cardiovascular exercise is an excellent system to improve your sex life? When you hear this, you don't want, suddenly, run to the nearest sports store to buy a breathable shirt, a spinning bicycle or a pulsometer with which to get better results of your effort?

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And it is that methods to improve the sexual life and quality of our sexual relations there are many (try with erotic positions that go a little beyond what the missionary proposes, buy erotic toys to enjoy sexuality in solitude or in company, Start in those sexual practices that we have always wanted to do and that we have never done, invent Picantones and exciting role -playing games that make us discover new possibilities of joy ...) But few of them also serve to improve our general state of health as it serves Cardiovascular exercise.
The sexual performance of a person depends, to a large extent, on their state of health. And to improve health status few things better as regular sports. Let's see how cardiovascular exercise can improve our sex life.
Increasing our aerobic resistance will help us increase our resistance in bed. Physical training mainly fulfills three functions: Improve the cardiovascular system, increase lung capacity and tone the muscles. These three aspects converge when improving our sexual benefits.

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To improve the effects of a good training plan nothing better than maintaining a balanced and healthy diet. The combination of these two factors will positively result in our physical appearance. And a better physical appearance will allow us to be more attractive, more desirable and, therefore, will increase the possibilities of enjoying sex.
The practice of physical exercise serves to increase our energy level. This increase will increase our propensity for the maintenance of sexual relations. Physical tiredness is one of the main libido inhibitors. When you are tired you have less desire to have sex. Eliminated the feeling of tiredness, the desire increases.

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Physical exercise also serves to improve blood circulation. This is essential for erection to develop without problems. Bad blood circulation is, on many occasions, the main cause of erectile dysfunction. Improving blood circulation thanks to cardiovascular exercise, a better blood supply supply is guaranteed to the cavernous bodies of the penis. Without blood reaching these cavernous bodies, there cannot be a reliable erection that guarantees satisfactory sexual intercourse.
A better blood circulation also has a direct positive effect on female sexuality. The increase in blood flow in the clitoris makes it more sensitive and that only means one thing: orgasm is easier to reach.
Regular physical exercise also serves to reduce stress levels. Stress is one of the great enemies of sexual life and to end it or keep it at bay we must have the invaluable collaboration of physical exercise. The practice of physical exercise causes our body to release a greater amount of endorphins. Endorphine acts as a natural analgesic and, at the same time, has a euphorizing effect. Thanks to endorphine we feel less pain and experience a vague feeling of joy and well -being.

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As you can see, there are many reasons that lead us to defend the use of cardiovascular exercise as a very interesting system when improving our particular sexual performance and our state of health in general. Of course, you always have to try not to exceed the practice of physical exercise. As with so many things in life, as harmful it can be excess as absolute lack. Oversight is bad for sex: it decreases blood testosterone levels and testosterone is one of the great responsible for sexual appetite. Less testosterone, less appetite. That is, you know: practice cardiovascular exercises but to its fair measure.
On the other hand, there is something you should never forget: there are other physical exercises that can help you enjoy more sex and open new possibilities in your way of putting it into practice. Those exercises (bridges, squatillas, abdominals, etc.) should serve to improve your general muscle toning and to provide greater flexibility. Thanks to them you can expand your range of erotic postures and your muscle performance, but we will talk about it in another post dedicated especially to big toys xxx discount.