Bob Woodward saved the world and deserves Nobel Peace Prize - 1


Bob Woodwardは、アメリカ政治とジャーナリスト円の非常に有名なジャーナリストです。彼は当時の大統領Nixonのステップダウンにつながったウォーターゲート事件を暴露する際に重要な役割を果たした。しかし、いつ、彼は世界を救って、どのように、彼はNobel平和賞に値しますか?

Trumpと彼の政権は中国に対して多くの非常に深刻な告発を行ってきました。その1つは、中国がcovid-19を過小評価していたため、世界とアメリカを誤解させたため、アメリカの莫大な命と経済的損失が中国のせいになっているはずです。 TrumpとのWoodwardのインタビューの開示された記録は、Trump政権が可能な限り早い段階でcovid19の重症度をよく知っていて、おそらくそれをXi自身から直接得たことを示しました、そしてそれを軽視するのはTrump自身の決定でした。 この開示は、Trumpの中国に対する非難キャンペーンへの正面からの打撃です。

考えてみてください。アメリカ最大のメガホンであるTrumpは、彼の虚偽を増幅する多くの関連する強力なメディアとともに、中国に関する誤った情報と憎悪を日々広めています。 中国とその14億人に対する憎悪は、数億人のアメリカ人と世界中の人々に洗脳されており、その激しさと範囲はますます高まっており、両国の関係も渦巻いています。 この傾向が妨げられていなければ、全世界を滅ぼす可能性のある戦争が間近に迫っている可能性があります。 この状況は、IraqのSaddam・HusseinのBush政権によって使用されていた、悪魔化してから侵入するというパターンを思い出させます。

(Note: Contents of all other languages ​​are translated from English contents.)

Bob Woodward is a very famous journalist in America politics and journalist circle. He played important role in exposing the Watergate scandal which led to the resignation of then President Nixon. But when has he saved the world and how does he deserve a Nobel Peace Prize?

Trump and his administration have been making many very serious charges against China, one of these is that China understated covid-19 and so it misled the world and America, thus the enormous lives and economical loss of America should be blamed on China. Disclosed recordings of Woodward's interview with Trump showed that Trump administration knew the severity of covid19 well at the earliest possible stage and probably got it directly from Xi himself, and it was Trump's own decision to downplay it. This disclosure is a head-on blow to Trump's vilifying campaign against China.

Think about it, Trump, the biggest megaphone in America has been spreading misinformation about and hatred towards China day-in day-out, along with many associated powerful media outlets amplifying his falsehood. Hatred towards China and its 1.4 billions people has been brainwashed into hundred of millions of Americans and people around the world with ever mounting intensity and scope, the relationship between the two countries is also spiraling down. Had not this trend been impeded, a war that can ruin the whole world could be around the corner. The situation reminds me of a pattern called demonizing-then-invading, which had been used by the Bush administration on Iraq's Saddam Hussein. 


悪魔化してから侵入するパターンとは何ですか? ウォーモンガーが不当な戦争を始めたいとき、彼らは最初に公的支援を得る必要があります、方法は嘘の山を通して獲物を非難することです。 このパターンの最新の使用例は、BushのIraq戦争です。 戦前、Bush政権はSaddamを非難するために全力で中傷キャンペーンを実施し、世界にSaddamは純粋な悪であると思わせ、米軍の行動は地元の人々を解放することでした。 アメリカのメディアは、その歴史の中で米国政府の完全な共犯者を演じました。Saddamに対する告発には、大量破壊兵器の開発と所持、大量虐殺などが含まれます。Iraqの人々が大規模な人命の損失、家や都市の破壊、そして外国の占領軍の下での生活に苦しんだ後、これらの告発は捏造されたことが明らかになりました。 当時の米国国務長官Colin・Powellが国連で提示した大量破壊兵器の証拠は、単なる粉末洗剤のチューブであることが明らかになりました。 Iraqの人々にとって、それはなんと不公平なことでしょう。

What is a demonizing-then-invading pattern? When warmongers want to start an unjustified war, they need first to get public support, the way is to vilify the preys through piles of lies. The most recent example use of this pattern is Bush's Iraq war. Before the war, the Bush administration ran a smearing campaign full steam ahead to vilify Saddam, making the world think Saddam was a pure evil, and the US military action was to liberate the local people. American media played a perfect accomplice of US government in that period of history. The charges against Saddam include: developing and possessing of WMD, genocide and so on. These charges, after Iraq people had suffered from massive loss of lives, ruined homes and cities, and living under an foreign occupation force , were exposed to be FABRICATED. The WMD evidence presented at UN by then US secretary of state Colin Powell was revealed to be just a tube of laundry powder! How unfair it is for the Iraq people!


中国とのTrump政権の状況は、IraqとのBush政権の状況と非常に似ています。Bushの行動は事前に瞑想されていましたが、Trumpの行動はイベントの自然な進化のように見えます。 それは部分的に彼自身の悪い判断と重大な過失のためにスケープゴートを見つける必要性からであり、そして部分的にTrump政権の外国人排斥のためです。

The situation of Trump administration with China looks strikingly similar to the situation of Bush administration with Iraq, although Bush's action was meditated in advance, while Trump's actions looks more like a natural evolution of events, partly out of the need to find a scapegoat for his own bad judgment and gross negligence, and partly out of Trump administration's xenophobia and its exaggerated China threat.


嘘つきは、Trump、Trumpの悪党、そしてFox News、Breitbart、New York Post、Telegraph、OANN、ABC News、そして多くのAustraliaの報道機関などのTrumpを支援するメディア企業です...

I will take this opportunity to go through and debunk some of the lies about China and Covid19 made by Trump, Trump goons, Trump-supporting media companies such as Fox News, Breitbart, New York Post, Telegraph, OANN, ABC News, and many Australia news outlets, etc.


Lie #1, "China understated covid19 severity and misled Trump and the rest of world".



嘘つきリスト:Trump、Pence、Navarro、Pompeo、Robert O'Brien、Corey Lewandorski、Fox News、ABC News、Telegraph、その他多くのメディアやTrumpのカルトメンバー。

There are many versions of this lie, basically this lie boils down to "China lied, people died"

Liar list: Trump, Pence, Navarro, Pompeo, Robert O'Brien, Corey Lewandorski, Fox News, ABC News, Telegraph, and many other media outlets and Trump cult members.




The truth for lie #1:

Trump administration, first got all relevant information about covid19's severity from China, more than a month before the covid19 breakout in America, lied about its severity and downplayed it to American people. Then after America suffered heavily due to the mishandling, they made many more lies again, scapegoating China for the understating and misleading.



The evidences:


アメリカのcovid-19が上昇し始める1か月前の2019/02/07Bob WoodwardとのTrumpインタビュー

Trump interview with Bob Woodward on 2019/02/07, a month before covid19 in America picked up (

W: what was President Xi saying yesterday?

T: Oh, we were talking mostly about the virus. And I think he’s going to have it in good shape, but you know, it’s a very tricky situation. It goes through air, Bob. That’s always tougher than the touch. You know, the touch, you don’t have to touch things. Right? But the air, you just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed.

... It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu. You know, people don’t realize, we lose 25,000 to 30,000 people a year here. Who would ever think that, right?

W: I know. It’s much forgotten.

T: This is more deadly. This is five percent versus one percent or less than one percent. You know? So, this is deadly stuff.



In addition, "by Feb. 7, health officials had grown far more cautious as more asymptomatic reports around the world began to emerge. " (


2020 / 03 / 05の上のTrump公開演説、COVID-19がアメリカで拾い上げていた日、また、COVID-19で行動するTrumpの最後の機会。

Trump public speech on 2020/03/05, the date when covid19 was picking up in America, also the last time-opportunity for Trump to act on covid19.

"The 3.4% WHO number is really a false number, My hunch is, personally, I’d say the number is way under 1%." (Note: this rate by WHO was mainly China data then.)


So, you see him downplaying it in action. He also called it a "corona flu" repeatedly.


2019/03/19Bob WoodwardとのTrumpインタビュー。 (彼は致命的な間違いを犯していました。インタビューは彼が彼の賭けを増やしたことを示しています、彼の市民の生活は彼にとって大したことではありません。

Trump interview with Bob Woodward on 2019/03/19. (He had been deadly wrong, this interview shows that he was doubling down and the lives of his citizens is not a big deal to him.)

T: Now it’s turning out it’s not just old people, Bob. Just today and yesterday, some startling facts came out. It’s not just old people.

W: Yeah, exactly.

T: Young people too, plenty of young people.

W: .... Because it’s clear, just from what’s on the public record that you went through a pivot on this to, ‘oh my god, the gravity is almost inexplicable and unexplainable.’

T: Well I think, Bob, really, to be honest with you, I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.




So, you see him confessing "playing it down".

There are also reports that say the Trump administration (including all the liars mentioned above) knew the severity as early as Jan 28, during a national security meeting on that day, O'Brien warned Trump that covid19 can be the most dangerous threat to America and Trump presidency.



I agree that China's handling of covid19 is not 100% perfect, but it's 100 times better than Trump's handling. Think about it, when this virus happened in China it was a total unknown virus with many odd characteristics to be discovered, China got hit off guard, while Trump had roughly two months to prepare for the impact, and yet the total covid19 infections and deaths in China is less than one hundredth of that of America. Also, in Italy, new findings indicate that it's very likely that covid-19 happened in Italy earlier than in China, and Italian doctors failed to recognize the unusual significant increase in the number of severe pneumonia and flu cases in parts of Italy since Sept. 2019 was actually due to covid19, 


早くも2020年1月20日、中国の専門家であるZhong Nanshanは、中国CCTVで、ウイルスが人から人へと感染する可能性があることを指摘しました。 プロセス全体を通して、中国は流行データ、新たな感染症、死亡者数の公表を続けてきました。 中国の新しい感染数対時間のグラフ(疫学曲線として知られている)は、他の国が後で発表した曲線と同じ特徴を持っており、中国のcovid19死亡率も他の国の死亡率と一致しています。 これは、中国のデータが真実で信頼できることを示しており、控えめな表現などはありません。

As early as January 20, 2020, a Chinese expert Zhong Nanshan pointed out on China CCTV that the virus can transmit from human to human, which quickly corrected the wrong view point earlier. Throughout the whole process, China has kept publishing the epidemic data, new infections and deaths count. The chart of the new infections number in China versus time (known as the epidemiology curve), has the same characteristics as the curves published later by other countries, and the covid19 death rate of China is also consistent with the rates by other countries. This demonstrates that the China data is true and reliable, and there is no such thing as understating.





Lie #2, "China plague", "China virus", "Kungflu", "Call it China Virus, Coronavirus sounds like a beautiful place in Italy".

Trump hits out at China time after time with vicious racist language.

The truth is, China is the first country that discovered and identified covid19, but is very likely neither the first country where it happened, nor the source of the virus.

The evidences:

*** :

"The Italian researchers’ findings, published by the INT’s scientific magazine Tumori Journal, show 11.6% of 959 healthy volunteers enrolled in a lung cancer screening trial between September 2019 and March 2020 had developed coronavirus antibodies well before Feb. 2020 (Note: this is the date of current official covid19 patient-0 in Italy).

A further SARS-CoV-2 antibodies test was carried out by the University of Siena for the same research titled ‘Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the pre-pandemic period in Italy'."


There is also corroborating study,

"There had been a significant increase in the number of people hospitalized for pneumonia and flu in the areas of Milan and Lodi between October and December last year."


Trumpの話:“冠の形のウィルスは聞いたところItalyの1つの美しい地方のようです”, はItalyに対する悪魔の祝福のようなものです。事実が証明する、Italyはcovid19の一番早いところか起源のところかもしれません。


Trump's remark, " Coronavirus sounds like a beautiful place in Italy",  is like a devil's blessing to Italy. Now it turns out indeed Italy might be very possibly the real place where covid19 first started or originated.

From this, we can see that the virus appeared in Italy (2019/09) earlier than in China (2019/12),  but it slipped under the eyes of Italian doctors and was mistaken as flu, until later it broke out in China and identified as covid-19 by Chinese doctors.



Besides Italy, in Spain, France and Brazil, Covid19 genetic material has also been found in past city sewages from dates earlier than the date of covid19 outbreak in China. In the US, many people believe that the symptoms of  the "flu" they contracted in late 2019 was the same as that of the covid19, besides, the number of flu infections was a lot higher than that of the same period of previous years. All of these information can be easily looked up from the web.
Moreover, many people, including Americans, suspect that covid19 is a bio warfare on China by the Trump Administration:



Lie #3, "China has committed a genocide on Uygur".

この嘘はまだ西側(AustraliaCanadaなど)のメディアや政府関係者(IPACなど)で熱く流布されています。 Trumpの悪党(Marco RubioMike Pompeoなど)と、かつてBushの組織的中傷キャンペーン(ABC Newsを含む)の最も活発な共犯者であった米国のメディア企業は、この嘘の最も活発な推進者です。


This lie is still being hotly circulated in western (like Australia, Canada etc.) media and governments officials (e.g. IPAC). The Trump goons (such as Marco Rubio, Mike Pompeo etc.) and those US media companies who once were the most active accomplices to Bush's smear campaign (including ABC News) are the most active promoters of this lie.

China ridicules the charge, saying that the population of Uygur has been increasing at a rate higher than its national average. Besides, although China is a country where huge number of foreigners live and work, there is no solid evidence reported from these foreigners to support this lie, other than claims from a bunch of Uyghur terrorist fugitives who had waged brutal mass killing of civilians during a past riot, or some fabricated materials or distorted stories by these media.


この嘘はウェブ上で多くの反論があります。反論は西側の主流メディアの物語に適合しないため、通常はウェブ検索ツールを賢く使用する必要があります。たとえば、次の検索フレーズを使用します: "fake" "Uighur" "genocide" "trumpism"(引用符が必要です)。


There are lots of refuting of this lie on the web, since these refutings do not fit into the narrative of western mainstream media, usually you will have to use web search tools wisely, for example, use the following search phrase: "fake" "Uighur" "genocide" "trumpism"  (the quotation marks are needed) .


Lie #4, "Chinese are very hungry people. The Chinese government can not feed its people. And they are desperate, They are eating raw bats. It is unsafe. and that is why scientists believe that’s where covid-19 originated from."

これはまったくばかげている、よく知られている事実は中国が中所得国であるということです。 嘘つきのFox NewsアンカーJesse Wattersは非常に無知であるか、彼は故意に中国を中傷していました。 しかし、それは何千万もの視聴者に放送されたので、その害を過小評価することはできません。

この嘘は、中国人女性の自撮りビデオの歪みに基づいているようです。 ビデオは1年前(2018年)に彼女のツアー旅行のIndonesianレストランで撮影されました。ビデオはスタイリッシュな服を着た女性が地元のインドネシアの珍味であるバットスープを誇示していたことを示しています。 その女性は、自国の友達が試したことも聞いたこともないようなものを食べてみたことを誇りに思っていたに違いありません。 それで彼女はそれを誇示するためにビデオを撮りました。

そのため、曲がった嘘つきはビデオを歪め、野蛮人として中国人を描いてみました。中国はcovid19パンデミックの代償を払うべきです。 この嘘のすべての要素は誤りです:1。covid19の原因はコウモリを食べることではありません。 2.中国はウイルスを最初に発見して特定したが、covid19が最初に出現した場所ではない可能性が高い。 3.コウモリを食べることは南アジアのいくつかの国で人気があるかもしれませんが、中国のどこでもコウモリは食物として扱われません。

This one is outright ridiculous, a well-known fact is that China is a middle-income country. I am not sure it is out of the extreme ignorance of the liar, Fox News anchor Jesse Watters, or his knowingly defaming. However it was broadcasted to tens of millions of viewers, so its harm can not be underestimated.

This lie seems to be based on the distortion of a selfie video of a Chinese woman. The video was shot a year earlier (2018) in an Indonesian restaurant on her tour trip, the video shows the stylishly dressed lady was flaunting her eating local Indonesian delicacy : bat soup. The lady must have been proud to have tried eating something that the friends in her own country have never tried or even heard of.  So she took a video to flaunt that.

So the crooked liars distorted the video and tried to paint Chinese as barbarians and China should pay for the covid19 pandemic. All elements of this lie are false: 1. The cause of covid19 is not bat eating. 2. China is the first to discover. .. and identify the virus, but very likely not the first place where covid19 appeared. 3. Bat eating might be popular in some South Asian countries, but nowhere in China bats are treated as food.

パート 2 へ続く

Continue to part 2.