入院の途中経過報告 体調良いです Midway through hospitalization | Go!Pien 進め!ぴえん君~早稲田大学政経学部卒の統合失調症精神障害者~

Go!Pien 進め!ぴえん君~早稲田大学政経学部卒の統合失調症精神障害者~

I am Pienkun, a schizophrenic mentally challenged blogger with a degree in Political Science and Economics from Waseda University. 















さて、最近はSQL BOLTと言う海外のサイトでSQLを学んでいます

































































I'm feeling good, probably because I'm in an environment where I'm away from my parents and work, which had been a source of worry for me.

Oops, I started this blog without saying hello, but hello, I'm Pienkun!

I'm glad to be out of this life where I have to report to my doctor every Tuesday what I've told him, plus I'm forced to have dinner with my family on Saturdays, and I'm sorry to say it, but I'm glad to be out of this life where the interference is too much.

So, how is the inpatient situation in the mental hospital now? I wake up at 7:30 every morning, eat a well-balanced breakfast, then take my morning medication and sleep until 10:00.

The inpatient bedding, they make it new and clean every Wednesday, so it's very cozy!

The morning OT starts around 10:00 a.m., so I study from 10:30 a.m. when the nurse asks me about my temperature and the number of times I go to the bathroom.


Since I found this person named Soo-san on Youtube, I've been watching his videos all the time!

It's been more than 15 years since I took the basic information processing exam for the first time 18 years ago, and I still don't think I can pass it.

However, if I can manage to get an algorithm, I can see hope.

It seems like it will take me about 20 more years to pass the exam.

I have to study as hard as if I were taking the entrance exam for the School of Political Science and Economics at Waseda University...

Is it a piece of cake for those who went to school for information science and engineering?

The algorithm is so difficult that I feel sick every time I look at the problem.

Well, recently, I am learning SQL at an overseas site called SQL BOLT.

SQLBolt - Learn SQL - SQL Lesson 12: Order of execution of a Query

SQLBolt provides a set of interactive lessons and exercises to help you learn SQL




Here is the site

I know this site is all in English, but it seems that you need to be good at English to survive in the IT industry!

There is a lot to learn!

I'm 25 years old and graduated from high school.

I'm 25 years old and a high school graduate. I was working as an employee at a chain restaurant, but I felt insecure about my future and decided to change jobs! No qualifications required! I was looking for a job in the IT field, but I was worried about my future, so I decided to change careers...





I was researching the IT industry on my favorite website, Girls Channel, and I found out that going to school is a waste of time and money.

Well, paying a few hundred thousand yen might be a relief for someone with no experience.

If you have a little experience, I thought it would be better to go on with your own, since there are youtube sites and skill improvement sites specialized for IT engineers.

I worked in the web industry 15 years ago as a web designer for 1,200 yen per hour, using DREAMWEAVER, FIREWORKS, FLASH, PHOTOSHOP and Premier.

That was a long time ago.

It was around 2003, so it was 21 years ago, since it's 2024 now.

I wonder how my bosses and everyone at that time are doing?

I can't go into details because I'm sure that Ameblo is a healthy place where adult blog posts are prohibited, but I was working for a married and mature women's delicatessen.

At the time, I was getting paid 1,200 yen, which was a lot for a part-time job!

Tokyo's Wage Rise is Amazing!

If I'm looking for a job, I'd like to be in Tokyo.

I've been working in my hometown for more than 15 years, and I have a lot of things to do in my hometown, so it's hard for me to move to Tokyo.

I can't easily move to Tokyo anymore.

I've said this many times on this blog and will continue to say it, but I'm glad I got into the School of Political Science and Economics at Waseda University and experienced Tokyo when I was young.

But now I only have a regular driver's license when it comes to qualifications, and after joining the IT industry as a new graduate as an inexperienced system engineer, I was sick and struggling because I couldn't keep up with the field at all due to my lack of skills.

I had to pass the basic information processing exam within 3 years of joining the company in order to be promoted, but I took the exam 6 times in total and never passed it.

I have taken the exam 6 times and have not passed it.

Was it the GIGA concept?

I heard that each child in compulsory education is now given a tablet or some kind of terminal.

Knowledge of IT is essential, and I think knowledge of computers is essential because the world can move at once with innovative technology.

Even if I don't pass the basic information processing exam, I might as well take the IT Passport.

I know people say it's not useful for practical work, but even IT Passport is very hard for a liberal arts graduate.

I mean, I'm glad that Waseda University's general entrance exam is a writing-based exam.

I'm not good at mark type examinations like the center examinations of a long time ago.

By the way, I took the entrance exam for the School of Political Science and Economics, the School of Commerce, the School of Sociology (I failed the Social Sciences), and the School of Human Sciences at Waseda University.

I passed the Political Science and Economics, Commerce, and Human Sciences.

I never thought I could get into Waseda University!

I'm so proud of my past, but it still seems to be the signature department of Waseda University.

I remember that the School of Political Science and Economics required Math IA in the entrance exam.

It was a tough 2 years as a ronin, but I'm glad I worked so hard back then.

It changed my life.

This life-changing event is something that happens a lot in my life.

I became schizophrenic after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, and that changed too.

My doctor hasn't declared it, but I think I'm probably mentally disabled now.

I wonder if I can get a disability certificate if I apply for it?

I just happened to take over the family business, and I've been in it for about 15 years, but it's time for me to start living my life the way I want to.

I'd have to turn 44 this September to change jobs.

I'm getting old, too.

Kim Taku and Miho Nakayama should be in their fifties too.

I want to pass the Basic Information Processing Test somehow!

I wonder if I can pass the exam by watching Soo-san's videos every day!


Soo-san's voice is easy to listen to and his videos are easy to understand and illustrate, so I watch them every day.

I really watch it every day!

I am very grateful to you, Soo-san!

If I put too much effort into it, I'll get a flat tire, so I have to do it in moderation.

Yesterday or the day before yesterday, I did a birthday reading by a fortune teller, Shimada Shuhei, and it said that I have a stoic personality.

My doctor often tells me, “Be careful not to be stoic.

I guess that's true.

But I am 44 years old to change jobs, and even if I move to Tokyo, no one will hire me without work experience and a portfolio.

I loved Adobe flash and XOOPS, but why did XOOPS disappear?

Why did XOOPS disappear? It was so useful with its modules and stuff.

I wonder if there was some vulnerability in the system.

I don't know what kind of technology is being used now because the web industry is changing so fast.

At the moment, I'm watching videos on youtube about the basic information processing exam, and at the same time, I'm studying PHP and SQL with SQLBOLT.

I really want to listen to my favorite radio shows of female voice actors on Onsen and female idols on FMFUJI and watch anime, but I don't have time to watch anime when I focus on studying for the IT industry.

What am I supposed to do?

What I'm looking forward to at the moment is getting out from under my parents' interference and living in a self-support training center, which I'm very happy about!

They say I can only stay there for 2 years, 3 at the most, so I'd be grateful if a group home is available by then.

Please, God, I'm begging you!

I would like to get into a group home with an opening!