Angels Video Explained in English and Japanese
This is an explanation of our Messages to Tohoku project. Some of you may have already seen my video. Two of my coworkers and I went to four cities (Hiroshima, Kobe, Osaka, and Nagoya). Since I had already done several "Free Hug" events, the idea came to us that we could "collect" hugs in the four cities for those affected by the earthquake and tsunami. Each of these cities experienced disasters in the past. The hugs would be a symbol of love, compassion and support. We also that it would be nice to collect actual messages in a sketch pad. Then we could take the messages directly to Tohoku.
I created a video of our trip and chose a song that was written and sung by a musician friend of mine who lives in Seattle. The song is called "Angels" and the theme of the song is that you are never alone. Life might be painful at times, but there are angels all around to love and support you. The lyrics are translated on the video.
私はこの企画をビデオをにし、音楽は、私の友人でもあるシアトル在住のミュージシャンによる歌を選びました。歌の題名は「Angels」で、この歌のテーマは、あなたは決して一人ではない、というものです。人生には辛いこともあるけれど、天使がそばにいて、あなたを愛し、支えてくれる・・・ 歌詞は、ビデオの中で訳してあります。
Now, our plan is to collect more hugs and messages here in Tokyo on Saturday, April 23 in Akihabara. We wanted to invite you all to come out and sign our sketch pad. If you plan on coming, please send me a message or leave me a comment.
Sometime in early May we want to go to Tohoku and do some volunteer work as well as deliver the messages that we collect.
So, please, pass this information on to everyone you know. Nothing would please us more than if we had to buy another sketch pad.
Until next time...
I created a video of our trip and chose a song that was written and sung by a musician friend of mine who lives in Seattle. The song is called "Angels" and the theme of the song is that you are never alone. Life might be painful at times, but there are angels all around to love and support you. The lyrics are translated on the video.
私はこの企画をビデオをにし、音楽は、私の友人でもあるシアトル在住のミュージシャンによる歌を選びました。歌の題名は「Angels」で、この歌のテーマは、あなたは決して一人ではない、というものです。人生には辛いこともあるけれど、天使がそばにいて、あなたを愛し、支えてくれる・・・ 歌詞は、ビデオの中で訳してあります。
Now, our plan is to collect more hugs and messages here in Tokyo on Saturday, April 23 in Akihabara. We wanted to invite you all to come out and sign our sketch pad. If you plan on coming, please send me a message or leave me a comment.
Sometime in early May we want to go to Tohoku and do some volunteer work as well as deliver the messages that we collect.
So, please, pass this information on to everyone you know. Nothing would please us more than if we had to buy another sketch pad.
Until next time...