にほんブログ村 健康ブログ 植毛・自毛植毛へ        人気ブログランキングへにほんブログ村      人気ブログランキング


What percentage of density should we aim for in the balding area?


 Typically, it is said that there are 50 to 100 hair follicles per square centimeter of the scalp. And on average, two hairs grow from each follicle. So, counting the hairs, it would be around 100 to 200 hairs per square centimeter. In a normal scalp without hair loss, about 90% of these hairs are in the growth phase and have become terminal. This calculates to about 90 to 180 hairs per square centimeter. As mentioned earlier, when this density drops to around 60%, individuals may start to notice that their hair is thinning, and when it decreases to 30-40%, people around them may begin to speculate if their hair is thinning.

 In hair transplantation, what hair density should we aim for? Since individuals may not notice until the density drops to 60%, there is no need to aim for the same 90% level as normal. Additionally, there is a limit to the number of grafts available in the donor area, so there's no need to set unrealistically high ideals and pursue high density. In the early stages of male pattern baldness, such as a receding hairline, when you add up the areas of the left and right incisions, it totals to about 16 square centimeters. In the hairline, one hair grows from each follicle, and a planting density of around 40 grafts per square centimeter looks natural. So, for 16 square centimeters, it would be around 640 grafts (40 x 16 = 640). 

 For many patients in the early stages of concern over a receding hairline, this level of transplantation would be satisfactory. Being too greedy and transplanting at a high density can lead to a dilemma where fewer hairs grow vigorously. Adequate blood supply is needed to nourish the follicles, so transplanting at too high a density could lead to competition for limited blood supply and potentially compromise growth.



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施術の説明:薄毛になりにくい後頭部・側頭部の毛根をに採取し、前頭部や頭頂部の薄くなった部分に移植する手術です。 移植した毛髪は薄毛になりにくい性質を保ったまま定着し、一生涯、生え変わり続けます。



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AM9:00~PM6:00 / 土日祝も対応! 






















★★★ おすすめ動画 ★★★


