Hi. This is Jesus from the third year.


Lately, I have been really busy with my lab training and batio, so that’s why I haven’t written here in a while. Let me introduce you to what has been happening recently in my life.


But first of all, the menu!




This was the sprint menu for Saturday’s practice. The main goal was to practice the 100m pace.


The menu started with the usual 400m FP, followed by some drills and bursts. I personally like sprint menus because they help me fix my technique by swimming at race pace. I’ve always thought that once the body gets used to swimming at a certain speed, it can naturally find ways to swim faster, and that’s what I felt today.

After the warm-up, there was a kicking menu. I am not good at kicking, so I just focused on surviving at that point. Luckily, the first three 100s were fine, but I cannot lie; the second half of the set got me.

Then, we had a pull set. I decided to use a snorkel for this. I have noticed that when I breathe, my hip gets out of position and affects my stroke, so using a snorkel helps me to correct this. I noticed that my head position was better after finishing the set.


But now, let’s go directly to the main set:


It was 2x50s on 1:30, hard.


I did all freestyle this time. Hopefully, next week I’ll be able to incorporate more breaststroke and butterfly, but I guess doing freestyle for now is good enough. For the first half of the set, I went 31s lows, and held 30s for the second half.


I noticed Nagaoka-san doing freestyle next to me, so I gave an extra push at the end.


I felt really nice. Even though I haven’t trained much recently, I feel like my freestyle is starting to improve. And I am looking forward to Nanadaisen to see the time I can go on the 50.


So what has Jesus been doing recently?


I started going to my lab very often. I am in the Computer Architecture lab (Kobayashi-Sato lab) of the Mechanical and Aerospace department.


Some of the topics that I am working on are quantum annealing used for molecular structure classification and computer problem optimization.


You probably don’t understand what that is, but don’t worry because I don’t understand it myself lol.

I have been really busy recently because my lab, even though it is really fun, is also really challenging. I have to go to meetings, prepare presentations, and conduct research, which is a lot of work. But I am doing my best and I think things are going very well.


My professor said the plan is as follows: conduct research, write a paper, get published, go abroad, and win a Nobel Prize lol. I am not sure about that, but I’ll work really hard on it.


You might see me in the future on TV or something lol.


Other than my lab, I teach English at a language school in Yagiyama. The people I teach range from primary school students to retired people. They are really fun and I like seeing them happy when they get better at English. I have noticed that they feel very grateful for the effort I put into the class, and I am happy about that.


I also joined one of the Spanish classes at Tohoku University as a TA. There are some guys in Mochija who took Spanish in the first year and I enjoyed it when they asked me about things in Spanish, so I thought it would be a good idea to help others learn my language. I think Spanish is very useful because there are many countries that speak it.

When I went on my first day as a TA, I was surprised to see one of the new managers, Nonno-chan, in the class. Hopefully, with my help, she'll get fluent by the end of the semester.


In the class, I conducted an interview where the students had to say things like: "My name is…", "I like this…", etc. During the interview, many students wanted to say: “I am good at singing” but for some reason ended up saying “I am good at eating,” which was funny. It was really fun.


Moreover, I think most of the new students do not know much about my country, so here is a bit of information:


I am from Venezuela, which is located in the north of South America.


It is a really beautiful country with great beaches and amazing landscapes. It is home to the tallest waterfall in the world, Angel Falls. Venezuela is famous for its oil reserves and other natural resources. The national sport is baseball, and the second most popular sport is football. We are a country recognized for winning many beauty pageants, such as Miss Universe. The most iconic food is called arepa.


Venezuelan people are really friendly and happy. Very chill people, in my opinion. If you ever go to South America, don't hesitate to visit. I'll give you a tour.


I think this is all for today. Stay tuned with Tonpei Swimming Club. And hit me up if you want to practice your Spanish.












































授業では、生徒たちにこんなことを言わせるインタビューを行った: 「私の名前は...」「私はこれが好きです」など。インタビューの間、多くの生徒がこう言いたかったようだ: 「歌うのが得意です」と言いたかったのに、なぜか「食べるのが得意です」と言ってしまう生徒もいて、笑えた。本当に楽しかった。









