i like someone that i knew from the heart.. someone i used to talk to... and we'd laugh without a care in the world. ラブラブ

someone who i can easily open my heart to.... 

someone who would actually share his thoughts,his worries, his fears...

I love him for all that he is... and all that he is not...

But, with this feeling, I grew scared and demanding ...

I thought that I was being strong when i told him I liked him...

I was also a fool to assume that he liked me...

Well maybe he did like me...
I felt he cared, I felt he worries for me, I guess I felt his heart ドキドキ

There was one concern, we did not communicate as often as we could in private...

I guess my mistake was being too aggressive しょぼん

But I was just swallowing fear to communicate with him because I want him to know me too...

That he may know about me more...
And to tell him...

I love him for who he was, and who he is now...

And not because of what he is...

In the end, I made too many mistakes...

I demanded a lot from him...
He was so giving ... but I wanted more...

It hit me, the more I fall for him, the more I want to be with him... the more I long for him, only want to make him mine...

We're a spacetime away...www 
It was impossible to hold him, touch his face, kiss his smile, be there for him when he needs me...

Those things were impossible, he said...

So even if it killed me a thousand times, I had to make "me" the bad person...

When He knew someone ... I wanted to get away... but I can't...

I still wanted him to know that I love him despite of it all...

That I am contented with just greeting him everyday...

That I am happy seeing him happy...
But I can't hide in my smile, because he knows my heart... and he reads me like an open book...

So many times i wanted to let him go...not say "hi" to him... but he has his ways to make me smile and I fall... over and over and over...

Until I can't get rid of him in my head...

Recently we're like strangers .... i can't stay close to him 'coz i fall for him even more... and I may hurt him a lot for worrying about how I feel...

If he only knew that if only I could fly to him right now, I would....

I don't want to be his shadow...
I want to be the one by his side..
But I don't want to freak him out, I don't want him to see me sad when he's happy.. 

I am freaking inside!!! I want to see him so much! I don't want him to forget about me! But I don't want him to be mad at me either! I don't want to sound distant and not caring ... but I don't want to impose on him...

And most of all, I don't want him to let me go,because I don't want to let him go!!

"Oh mystery heart.... what to do....? I still can't stop thinking about you"

"I am contented just to see you from afar 'coz I know for a fact that I can't be with you unless you want me to.... please don't take away my one happiness of seeing you smile" ラブラブ

"I wanna swim in the sea!"
I wanna swing from tree to tree!"

These are the things that I always loved doing when I was a kid.

Hi there.
My name is Jayvee Silva
My parents are Romeo and Julieta (which, unlike in Shakespeare's novel, had had kids and are living happily)

I got my name from my dad who got my name from a dictionary.
Jayvee means junior varsity player. This name is often a name for the boys, but I am proud as it sounds unique for the girls.

I am the eldest and the only girl. And I have 5 brothers which now treats me as their youngest since they all grew up.

My mom said that when she was pregnant with me, she ate basins of oysters and loads of petite mango (the fruit I always loved). There was an instance though that she said she almost lost me when she was pregnant, but hey, I was a strong fetus and clanged to my mother's womb for life.

I had my first word when I was almost 1 year according to my mom. And Then, I began climbing from my crib to the nearby window when I was 3 (which explains my "Monkey" zodiac personality)

I was a curious kid too. My mom usually brings home fruits and books, but she said I would rather get the book from her hand first rather than the food she bought. She also said I loved reading and I had my first set of Encyclopedia books when I was 6 years old.

Since I grew up with boys, I rarely have dolls to play with. Instead, I remembered this military soldier set, a mini toy jeep and a play gun for target shooting haha!!

My dad also used to bring home James Bond, Jackie Chan and Chuck Norris VHS tapes, so I love action movies a lot. (thanks to my dad's influence) But my favorite treasure toy was the small Yamaha piano which my dad bought me.

I was raised in the city life until I was 5, but, we had to move to the province... and that's when my grade school life begins....

>> to be continued....