today my partner is the sea...

i went to his place and saw him there...
no reaction this time though.
I was so sure but also unsure
not that nervous this time
but still envious of those around him.

Does he know how much i long to talk to him?
Does he know how i miss being with him?
I felt like a scared cat now
I wish i could still go to that one place
where i could think and be at ease

my sea...波

he is unpredictable like the waves
but his name is music to my ears
he washes away my pain
but he can also bring me devastation...

he can calm my heart
but he can also bring it to a white mad surf

i wish to call him mine alone
but he belongs to everyone

how i long for that day...
where he'll just sweep me off my feet
and engulf me in his warm embrace

.... my sea of LOVE 船