








This is the first time for me to upload my blog in one and half a year.

By the way, I went to Hachiouji city to take an exam of TOEIC in January. The photo is Takushoku University. I took the exam there.

My result was 805. Wow!

I am satisfied with the result, because I have been very busy since I have got a new job at June 2012.

I have many materials which Ⅰ have to write my blog.

そんなこんなで、英語力を維持するために、ペンギン・ブックスの『The phantom of the Opera』を読み出したわけです。ペンギン・ブックスを手にしたのは今回が初めてですが、6段階でレヴェルごとに本のラインナップがされています。今回の『オペラ座の怪人』はLevel 5ですから、今の私の語学力がすれば、やさしめの筈なんです。Chapter 3まで読みましたが、知らない単語はほとんど出てこないし。しかしながら、話がつかめない。アルファベットで登場する人名を覚えきれないわけですよ。


 I think that the author of this blog is categorized as it were a "book worm". Although I am very familiar with international politics or financials, I am not interested in literature. I have never read famous novels except for historical. Because of this, when I traveled in New Zealand last year, I really felt that I could not understand the world of "the Lord of the Ring".

 For this reason, in order to keep my English skill, I've begun to read "the Phantom of the Opera" published by the Penguin Books. It is the first time that I read penguin books which prepares six levels. "The phantom of the Opera" is categorized as level 5 (advanced level), so I think this book is a little easy for me, given my current English level. I've finished reading by Chapter 3, and I recognized that there is no unknown word. However I cannot grasp the content, because I cannot remember the proper names written by alphabet.

 Therefore, I have to read Japanese version, but I cannot understand the gap of the number of sentences. Please check this photo.

$たんたるこあらのブログ-The phantom of the Opera

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習記録へ
Because I’m taking part in the ranking of “Nihon-Blog Mura”, I ask please you to push above buttons!




In Japan, before the revision of a law in 2010, transplantation operation less than 15 years old were prohibited. Organs of adults are too big for children to transplant. Because of this, children who have suffered from heavy heart illness have to go to the United States or other foreign countries to wait for transplantaion.

However, it takes from 10 million yen to 100 million yen to do a transplantation operation in abroad. In addition, if Japanese children do an operation, children living there cannot do an operation. Because of criticism about transplant abroad from all over the world, the Diet revised a law two years ago and less than 15-years-old children are allowed to do a transplantaiton operation.

transplant operation→transplant operation for。「for」が抜けています。
Organs of adults are too big for children to transplant.→Organs of adults are too big to be transplanted into children.ここは受動態にしないといけないわけですね。

in abroad→abroad、abroadは副詞ですね。
a law→the law
transplant abroad→overseas transplant
allowed to do →allowed to undertake

「if Japanese children do an operation→if Japanese children want to do undertaking an operation
be operated/ be undergone/ be undertaken」これに関しては、いまだに私自身もパニック状態です。Google翻訳を使って「undertake surgery」と調べると「手術を行う」で、「undergo surgery」と調べると「手術を受ける」になります。


In Japan, until laws were revised in 2010, organ transplants were prohibited for children under the age of 15. As adult organs are too large, these cannot be transplanted into children. Because of this, children with severe heart failure and other disorders had to travel to foreign countries such as the United States to receive transplants.

However, transplant surgeries performed overseas can cost from 10 million to 100 million yen. Furthermore, for each Japanese child that receives a transplant in a foreign country, another child of that country misses out on receiving a transplant. Foreign organ transplants are criticized by the international community, and so 2 years ago, Japan altered its laws to allow organ transplants for children under age 15.





Strict criteria
However, there are many difficulties in establishing a judgement of brain death in children. Compared to adults, children can recover quickly, and there are children in which the heart continues to beat for a long time after the child has been judged as braindead. Great skill is required in judging brain death, and a longer period of time is required for a child to be declared as braindead, compared to an adult. Doctors must also ensure that there was no maltreatment from the parents. Even though the laws have changed, there are still hardly organ donations being carried out from young children.

There are 15 children who have received a heart transplant from children under 15 years, and within that there are 10 children who are under 10 years of age. (?) Educating doctors regarding how exactly to judge the state of brain death, establishing a system to accommodate the fragile hearts of carers who have lost a young child… these are only a few of the many necessary issues that need to be dealt with in order to continue providing organ transplants to children.



Severe judgement standard
However, the judgement of brain death of children are is very difficult. Compared to adults, children have the power of recovery. After the judgement of brain death, there are children whose heart moves for a long time. In order to judge brain death, high level skills are needed. When doctors judge the brain death of children, compared to adults, they set a long period. In addition, it is necessary to check neglection or violations from his or her parents. After the revison of law, there has not carried out the tranplantaiton from children.

There are 15 children less than 15-years-old who has waited for the heart tranplantaion. In particular, there are 10 children less than 10-years-old. We have many things to educate doctors who can judge the brain death of childrens, and to construct the system of care for parents who lost their child, in order to promote organ transplantation of to children.

回復力があるは、「 Children are stronger power of recovery」に書き直し。後、心臓は動くの部分は、「whose hearts beat」にしないといけません。"A heart moves."にすると心臓が体中を動き回ることになっちゃいます。シンプルなミスは文中に赤を入れてます。

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習記録へ
Because I’m taking part in the ranking of “Nihon-Blog Mura”, I ask please you to push above buttons!