今日は待ちに待った晴天    クラッカー


8月30日以来初めての海日和 波  


水は冷たくないし、クラゲ 宇宙人 もいない 

澄んでて砂の上にいるヒラメも見えるぞ 目


写真にヒラメは写っていません ウシシ

海水浴客もそこそこいたけど、とっても良い海 アップ

波間に漂いながら青空を見上げる     波


最高だね〜 アップアップアップ  








ラピスの青がきれいに出てる ラブ


どんだけ食べるんじゃぁ グラサン

帰りにスーパーで買い物 ¥ して出て来たら ちょうど山車が通り 祭 なんだかラッキー 🍀 




It's the first sunshine day since August 30th I've been waiting for.

Can you believe it?

The water is warm enough to dive in and there's no single jelly fish.

I could see  flatfish on sand because the water was so clear.

You can't see the fish in the photo.

Actually there were some beach bathers, but it was  one of the most BEAUTIFUL sea throughout the year I guess.

If you float on waves and look up the sky, that's the best thing you could do in the sea.

By the way, how did the glass works I made yesterday have come out, I wonder.

Here they are!

I'm satisfied with the lapis lazuli blue.

The red one is a shaved ice bowl made by my wife.

I wonder how much shaved ice she's going to eat!

Having finished shopping at a supermarket, we saw a float parading right in front of the exit.

Aren't we lucky?