NPO法人 国際地雷処理・地域復興支援の会(IMCCD)
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ご不明な点は、IMCCD事務局 089-945-6576 にお問合せ下さい。
[mine disposal expert] Mr.Takayama Ryoji
Have contribute a part of the sales of the DVD of "description of world Ururun stay Cambodia 2007&2011" of the Mukai law of nature appearance to IMCCD;, thank you
I cross it with retirement in Cambodia in 2002 to hold special thought in Cambodia and add unexploded shell processing activity to a mine, unexploded shell processing activity as a member of the NGOs at the start present since I participated in PKO in Cambodia as a land self-defense official in 1992 and accept field visit and the intern training such as university students in these days when I am engaged in area reconstruction aid activity and Japanese education, the PC education that became independent
A book: "Work - Tsukama bookshop - called the mine disposal"
We who live in Japan came to have a big balloon of ・・" money but does the balloon of "the heart" not participate in activity to blow up the balloon of "the heart" fading away? Balloon of the heart thinking that the people of neighboring most are spiritually rich and come to be able to live a life by your yearning for somebody, and doing it
Postal transfer international mine disposal, meeting of the local reconstruction aid 01630-5-61100 bank transfer The Ehime Bank Head Office sales department (トクヒ) コクサイジライショリ 9062845
* Recruitment of members * regular member (corporation) regular member (individual) supporting member contribution supplies donation
… One share of annual convention costs 10,000 yen … One share of annual convention costs 3,000 yen … One share of annual convention costs 1,000 yen … Option … Option
* Transfer *
〒 790-0011 7-7-3, Chifunemachi, Matsuyama-shi, Ehime Iyo manure building 2F TEL/FAX: 089-945-6576 (weekdays from 10:00 to 17:00) E-mail: info@imccd.org HP:http://www.imccd.org/
Twitter: The @imccdorg Matsuyama secretariat E-mail:info@imccd.org TEL:+81-(0)89-945-6576 (FromAM10:00~ToPM17:00 and OK Language English)
In cooperation with CMAC (Cambodian mine measures center) of the Cambodian government office, I support the local revival that can become independent again to push forward the mine disposal activity by inhabitants and want to act in enlightening an idea of the peacebuilding through such an activity to promote mutual friendship interchange widely inside and out
Meeting International Mine Clearance and Community Development IMCCD of NPO corporation international mine disposal, the local reconstruction aid
Challenge ... in the village of ... Cambodia minefield wanting to become a kind of the peace
IMCCD activity purpose
(made with this brochure Hayama by print-like goodwill)
A minefield in a field, a road, a school!
Though a mine, the unexploded shell removal team of five people moves into action for one year, I act for 3 million yen securing of fund to continue carrying out a necessary activity
The antitank mine which was discovered
School construction and administration support
I can build one school for 2 million yen - 5 million yen and donate the stationery which many children study eagerly
It is very excellent children that the future when a primary schoolchild, a junior high student, a high school student study Japanese in the personnel training Tasen Commun district is expected of eyes widely in the world
It was to a special product of potato shochu SORA KHMER CAMBODIA using the cassava produced from the field where it was surely for Japan and upbringing and support security of the go-between local industry of Cambodia where the girl who learned here studied in the high school of Japan
A paper processing company of invitation Ehime goes into the Tasen Commun district in a Japanese company, and only agriculture is a place and the workplace of the young woman that it is getting the income that is valuable in this village without the work place
A well is given and lives and changes completely
A well is given for 70,000 yen in sequence by the support of all of you who can dig one well, and the liberation from water drawer, hygiene improvement are pleased with very much
The mud that the national highway of the attending school is bad
I would like the application of the lecture that the lecture to various groups, companies performs again giving a lecture as part of peace education in an elementary and junior high school to the secretariat
1月 1日(水) | 元旦 |
1月 7日(火) | 虐殺政権(ポルポト政権)からの解放の日 |
2月14日(金) | ミァック・ボーチャ祭(万仏節) |
3月 8日(土) | 国際女性の日 |
4月14日(月)~16日(水) | カンボジア正月 |
5月 1日(木) | 国際労働者の日(メーデー) |
5月13日(火)~15日(木) | 仏誕節&シハモニー国王誕生日祭 |
5月17日(土) | 王室耕作際 |
6月 1日(日) | 国際こどもの日 |
6月18日(水) | モニク王妃誕生日 |
9月22日(月)~24日(水) | 孟蘭盆(プチュン・バン) |
9月24日(水) | 憲法記念日 |
10月15日(水) | ノロドムシハヌーク前国王記念日(命日) |
10月23日(木) | パリ和平協定締結の日 |
10月29日(水) | シハモニ王即位記念日 |
11月 5日(水)~ 7日(金) | 水祭り |
11月 9日(日) | 独立記念日 |
12月10日(水) | 国際人権の日 |
いつもながら、4月に入ったら、もう仕事は上の空・・・・ 気分はお正月。
でも、不思議・・ IMCCD日本語学校の子供たちは、ちゃんと来ていた。
ソックミエン 「カムリエン郡長から電話で、カムリエンの中心地であるボングリエン村で、
高山 「プノンプラ郡のボーコミューンにいるチームリーダーに連絡して、すぐに現場に行って
ソックミエン 「わかりました」
ソックミエン 「チームリーダーは、時間外の活動になるので、DU2の命令が必要ですと
高山 「私からDU2に連絡して、すぐに命令を出すように言うので、すぐに現場に行って
ソックミエン 「わかりました」
ソックミエン 「チームリーダーから連絡があり、手りゅう弾は2個回収したとのことです。
高山 「爆破処理は、後日やるので、安全に保管するように伝えよ」
ソックミエン 「わかりました」
http://www.imccd.org/ の「スケジュール」でご確認下さい。