How is everyone? ^^

I'm aiming to practice driving with my father's car every weekend.

Yesterday morning I tried driving my parents to a shopping mall to eat.

I did lots of practice on turning and things.

Before starting I really didn't have much confidence.

But I guess we can't learn without trying. We will never learn if we don't take the first step out, no matter how scary it is.

I'm glad I practiced. I learnt a lot.

My parents even got me to drive to the highway. I went really fast, but also had to keep calm.

I even drove to my school. That's the furthest I have ever driven to.

I tried parking the car too. It was really difficult. As expected. ^^;

I'll try again next weekend.

Now, it's back to studying and studying!!

I have exams starting next week!!! ><

I have to work hard!! There's no time left!!!