Astrel K の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



Astrel K
The Foreign Department









Working under the name Astrel K, Rhys Edwards of the indie rock group Ulrika Spacek made a splash with the 2022 album Flickering i. Maybe not a splash exactly, more like the sound it makes when one slips into a warm bath as candlelight flickers on the bathroom wall. It was intimate and fragile, built on subtle instrumentation, subtle electronics, and Edwards' melancholic croon. Songs were influenced by sources as disparate as the tender sweep of Broadcast at their quietest and the sleep-induced moodiness of slowcore groups like Bedhead, and the whole album had a kind of warmth and inner glow that felt like a shared secret. With the second Astrel K album, Edwards turns that all on its head in many ways. While the songs are still small moments of emotional disclosure wrapped up in careful singing and precise lyrics, the music surrounding them has gone technicolor. Inspired by albums like Leonard Cohen's Death of a Ladies' Man or the late-'90s work of Mercury Rev, Edwards likewise takes an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink approach in order to push the emotion of the song to its natural limits through the use of strings, horns, synths, piano, and massive amounts of echo.

 Ulrika Spacek のメンバー、 Rhys Edwards のソロ・プロジェクト



Ulrika Spacek
The Album Paranoia





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