Escuela Grind の新作 (ep) | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



Escuela Grind











On a mission to make grindcore more fun and inclusive, ESCUELA GRIND have already earned themselves a fearsome live reputation and considerable acclaim for their scorching 2022 full-length Memory Theater. Along the way, they’ve also fired out a series of EPs themed on their take on the genres that influence them. The latest, in keeping with their tongue in cheek naming tradition, is exactly what it says on the tin: rip-roaring, grinding death metal with a steadfast refusal to take itself too seriously. 

Right off the bat that make clear exactly who they’re inspired by; the guitars are chainsaws and Katerina Economou’s feral snarls become cavernous roars. Lead single Ball And Chain is as heavy as its name, opening with a punishing groove and squealing harmonics. It’s the kind of grimy, disgusting death metal the likes of FROZEN SOUL and UNDEATH peddle, a filth-encrusted sound where the snare reverberates around your skull like a concussion. 
