For instance, if one of the tests comes back with a large volume of metal debris, they can usually find out what kind of metal it is and trace it back to the part that is wearing out and change that part before it causes damage to the rest of the machine. There are actually many different reasons for testing and monitoring the condition of these oils, such as the critical information it can provide to those in charge of caring for expensive industrial machines. If one of these tests came back revealing an excessive amount of metal debris present in the lubricant, that is just one sign that the friction is still too high and the machine's parts are not being properly protected. There are other contaminants that can be found in oils as well, such as other fluids that may have leaked into it through a crack or damaged seal somewhere in the machine. Finding an unexpected amount of metal debris could also mean a few other things that are generally an indicator that all is not well within the machine. Doing this is a fantastic way to make sure that a machine stays running and is never costing a company downtime or expensive replacements and repairs. Just like the machines they are used to lubricate, not all oils are created equally, and in order to ensure that the one currently in use in a machine was the right choice, a sample should be tested after a certain amount of use. The primary reason that you would find oil being used in a machine is to properly lubricate all of the fast moving parts and keep them from creating so much friction that they wear out prematurely. As the functioning parts inside a machine are wearing out, they gradually break down into tiny metal particles that get flushed through the lubricant, so anytime a test discovers that there is more there than expected, it is a key indicator of excessive wear and tear. Working alongside an oil test lab is one of the best ways to keep an eye on the inner workings of a machine and ensure that it is in perfect working order..There are many industries across the globe whose business depends on the use of highly sophisticated machinery, and part of the routine maintenance for this machinery involves the use of an oil test lab. Frequently testing samples of the oils used in a machine is remarkably helpful when a maintenance administrator needs to monitor what is happening inside that machine over extensive operation and where they need to look when a problem arises