-~カール・ユング、CW 18, パラ 1647

The people who call me a Gnostic cannot understand that I am a psychologist, describing modes of psychic behaviour precisely like a biologist studying the instinctual activities of insects.
-~Carl Jung, CW 18, Para 1647



~CG ユング、CW 9ii, par. 347, The Structure and Dynamics of the Self.
グノーシスは、特別な種類の知識として、"グノーシス主義 "と混同してはならない。~カール・ユング、CW 11、心理学と宗教、45ページ fn 13.

"キリスト教は本当はグノーシス主義の精神から生まれたが、グノーシス主義者がその哲学的思索でキリスト教を溶解させる恐れがあったため、後にそれと対立するようになった。" - カール・ユング(ETH講義V、162ページ)


Modern man, in contrast to his nineteenth-century brother, turns to the psyche with very great expectations, and does so without reference to any traditional creed but rather with a view to Gnostic experience. The fact that all the movements I have mentioned give themselves a scientific veneer is not just a grotesque caricature or a masquerade, but a positive sign that they are actually pursuing "science," i.e., knowledge, instead of faith, which is the essence of the Western forms of religion. Modern-man abhors faith and the religions based upon it. He holds them valid only so far as their knowledge-content seems to accord with his own experience of the psychic background. He wants to know —to experience for himself. ~Carl Jung, The Portable Jung, Pages 467-468.

“From various hints dropped by Hippolytus, it is clear beyond a doubt that many of the Gnostics were nothing other than psychologists. Thus he reports them as saying that “the soul is very hard to find and to comprehend,” and that knowledge of the whole man is just as difficult. “For knowledge of man is the beginning of wholeness but knowledge of God is perfect wholeness.”
~CG Jung, CW 9ii, par. 347, The Structure and Dynamics of the Self.
Gnosis, as a special kind of knowledge, should not be confused with "Gnosticism." ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Psychology and Religion, Page 45. fn 13.

"Christianity really arose from the spirit of Gnosticism, but came into conflict with it later, because the Gnostics threatened to dissolve Christianity with their philosophical speculations." – Carl Jung (ETH Lecture V, page 162)


