The Baptism in the Jordan




The term Bliss from India and the Eastern traditions equates to Jung’s term Vocation.
It does not mean happiness such as often found in Western definitions. 


カール・G・ユング 天職について










Carl G. Jung: On Vocation
What is it, in the end, that induces a man to go his own way and to rise out of unconscious identity with the mass as out of a swathing mist? Not necessity, for necessity comes to many, and they all take refuge in convention. Not moral decision, for nine times out of ten we decide for convention likewise. What is it, then, that inexorably tips the scales in favor of the extra-ordinary?

It is what is commonly called vocation: an irrational factor that destines a man to emancipate himself from the herd and from its well-worn paths. True personality is always a vocation and puts its trust in it as God, despite its being, as the ordinary man would say, only a personal feeling. But vocation acts like a law of God from which there is no escape. The fact that many a man who goes his own way ends in ruin means nothing to one who has a vocation. He must obey his own law, as if it were a daemon whispering to him of new and wonderful paths. 


Anyone with a vocation hears the voice of the inner man: he is called. That is why the legends say that he possesses a private daemon who counsels him and whose mandates he must obey. The best known example of this is Faust, and an historical instance is provided by the daemon of Socrates. Primitive medicine-men have their snake spirits, and Aesculapius, the tutelary patron of physicians, has for his emblem the serpent of Epidarurus. He also had, as his private daemon, the Cabir Telesphoros, who is said to have dictated or inspired his medical prescriptions.

The original meaning of "to have a vocation" is "to be addressed by a voice." The clearest examples of this are to be found in the avowels of the Old Testament prophets. That it is not just a quaint old-fashioned way of speaking is proved by the confessions of historical personalities such as Goethe and Napoleon, to mention only two familiar examples, who made no secret of their feeling of vocation.

Vocation, or the feeling of it, is not, however, the prerogative of great personalities: it is also appropriate to the small ones all the way down to the "midget" personalities, but as the size decreases the voice becomes more and more muffled and unconscious. It is as if the voice of the daemon within were moving further and further off, and spoke more rarely and more indistinctly. The smaller the personality, the dimmer and more unconscious it becomes, until finally it merges indistinguishably with the surrounding society, thus surrendering its own wholeness and dissolving into the wholeness of the group.


 In the place of the inner voice there is the voice of the group with its conventions, and vocation is replaced by collective necessities. But even in this unconscious social condition there are not a few who are called awake by the summons of the voice, whereupon they are at once set apart from the others, feeling themselves confronted with a problem about which the others know nothing. 


In most cases it is impossible to explain to the others what has happened, for any understanding is walled off by impenetrable prejudices. "You are no different from anybody else," or, "there is no such thing," and even if there is such a thing, it is immediately branded as "morbid" and "most unseemly." For it is a "monstrous presumption to suppose anything of that sort could be of the slightest significance" - it is "purely psychological".



A sense of duty [to one's work] ◆The sense of duty that arises from the belief that one's work has been given to one by God. Etymology: From the Latin vocare (to call), meaning "called out by God".







キャンベルは「Follow your bliss」(自分の至福を追求する)の意味をこう説明しています...自分の存在の中にいて、自分の存在から押し出されることをするという深い感覚です。それに従えば、ドアがあるとは思わなかったような場所にもドアが開きます。世界が動いて助けてくれるような、誠実な生き方というものがあるんだ。
~ジョセフ・キャンベルのドキュメンタリー映画『ヒーローズ・ジャーニー』(原題:The Heroes Journey)。



This last objection is extremely popular nowadays. It stems from a curious underestimation of anything psychic, which people apparently regard as personal, arbitrary, and therefore completely futile. And this, paradoxically enough, despite their enthusiasm for psychology. The unconscious, after all, is "nothing but fantasy." We "merely imagined" so and so, etc. People think themselves magicians who can conjure the psyche hither and thither and fashion it to suit their moods. They deny what strikes them as inconvenient, sublimate anything nasty, explain away their phobias, correct their faults, and feel in the end that they have arranged everything beautifully. In the meantime they have forgotten the essential point, which is that only the tiniest fraction of the psyche is identical with the conscious mind and its box of magic tricks, while for much the greater part it is sheer unconscious fact, hard and immitigable as granite, immovable, inaccessible, yet ready at any time to come crashing down upon us at the behest of unseen powers. The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events. To a quite terrifying degree we are threatened by wars and revolutions which are nothing other than psychic epidemics. At any moment several millions of human beings may be smitten with a new madness, and then we shall have another world war or devastating revolution. Instead of being at the mercy of wild beasts, earthquakes, landslides, and inundations, modern man is battered by the elemental forces of his own psyche. This is the World Power that vastly exceeds all other powers on earth. The Age of Enlightenment, which stripped nature and human institutions of gods, overlooked the God of Terror who dwells in the human soul. If anywhere, fear of God is justified in face of the overwhelming supremacy of the psychic.

But all this is so much abstraction. Everyone knows that the intellect, that clever jackanapes(生意気なやつ), can put it in this way or any other way he pleases. It is a very different thing when the psyche, as an objective fact, hard as granite and heavy as lead, confronts a man as an inner experience and addresses him in an audible voice, saying, "This is what will and must be." Then he feels himself called, just as the group does when there's a war on, or a revolution, or any other madness. It is not for nothing that our age calls for the redeemer personality, for the one who can emancipate himself from the inescapable grip of the collective and save at least his own soul, who lights a beacon of hope for others, proclaiming that here is at least one man who has succeeded in extricating himself from that fatal identity with the group psyche. For the group, because of its unconsciousness, has no freedom of choice, so psychic activity runs on in it like an uncontrolled law of nature. There is thus set going a chain reaction that comes to a stop only in catastrophe. The people always long for a hero, a slayer of dragons, when they feel the danger of psychic forces: hence the cry for personality.

But what has the individual personality to do with the plight of the many? In the first place he is part of the people as a whole, and is as much at the mercy of the power that moves the whole as anybody else. The only thing that distinguishes him from all the others is his vocation. He has been called by that all-powerful, all-tyrannizing psychic necessity that is his own and his people's affliction. If he harkens to the voice, he is at once set apart and isolated, as he has resolved to obey the law that commands him from within. "His own law!" everybody will cry.

But he knows better: it is the law, the vocation for which he is destined, no more "his own" than the lion that fells him, although it is undoubtedly this particular lion that kills him and not any other lion. Only in this sense is he entitled to speak of "his" vocation, "his" law.
~CG Jung, Collected Works 17, The Development of Personality, Pg. 175. Para 299 to 304.


Campbell explains what follow your bliss means… the deep sense of being in it and doing what the push is out of your own existence. You follow that and doors will open where you would not have thought there were going to be doors. There’s something about the integrity of a life where the world moves in and helps.
~The Heroes Journey full documentary - Joseph Campbell.


“Bliss does not mean the same definition in the west (happiness) as it does in India (vocation)” ~Rupert Spira.







忠実」という言葉については、この文脈では、新約聖書で使われているギリシャ語の「ニオリス」という言葉を使うのがよいでしょう。本当は "信頼"、"信頼に基づく忠誠 "という意味だ。自分自身の存在の法則に対する忠実さは、この法則に対する信頼、忠実な忍耐、確信に満ちた希望、要するに、宗教家が神に対して持つべき態度である。この問題の背後にあるジレンマがいかに深刻であるか、おわかりいただけると思います。人格を形成する過程では、必要性という気軽な動機だけでなく、意識的な道徳的決断が力を発揮しなければなりません。





「幸せな人生であっても、暗闇がないわけではありません。悲しみとのバランスがとれていなければ、幸せという言葉は意味を失ってしまいます。忍耐と冷静さをもって物事を受け止めるほうがはるかによい。" ~カール・ユング









"A true vocation requires shedding anything that would impede or obscure the call. A true pilgrimage requires letting go of the very things most people try to hold onto. In seeking after what the soul desires we become pilgrims with no home but the path the soul would have us follow. As the old proverb says, “Before you begin the journey, you own the journey. Once you have begun, the journey owns you.” After all, what good is a dream that doesn’t test the mettle of the dreamer? What good is a path that doesn’t carry us to the edge of our capacity and then beyond that place? A true calling involves a great exposure before it can become a genuine refuge."
~Michael Meade, "Fate and Destiny"



"Many are called, but few are chosen"
The words “many are called, but few are chosen” are singularly appropriate here, for the development of personality from the germ-state to full consciousness is at once a charisma and a curse, because its first fruit is the conscious and unavoidable segregation of the single individual from the undifferentiated and unconscious herd. This means isolation, and there is no more comforting word for it. Neither family nor society nor position can save him from this fate, nor yet the most successful adaptation to his environment, however smoothly he fits in. The development of personality is a favor that must be paid for dearly. But the people who talk most loudly about developing their personalities are the very ones who are least mindful of the results, which are such as to frighten away all weaker spirits.

Yet the development of personality means more than just hatching forth monsters, or of isolation. It also means fidelity to the law of one’s own being.

For the word “fidelity” I should prefer, in this context, the Greek word used in the New Testament, nioris, which is erroneously translated “faith.” It really means “trust,” “trustful loyalty.” Fidelity to the law of one’s own being is a trust in this law, a loyal perseverance and a confident hope; in short, an attitude such as a religious man should have towards God. It can now be seen how portentous is the dilemma that emerges from behind our problem: personality can never develop unless the individual chooses his own way, consciously and with moral deliberation. Not only the casual motive – necessity – but conscious moral decision must lend its strength to the process of building the personality.

If the first is lacking, then the alleged development is a mere acrobatics of the will: If the second, it will get stuck in unconscious automatism. But a man can make a conscious decision to go his own way only if he holds that way to be the best. If any other way were held to be better, then he would live and develop that other personality instead of his own. The other ways are conventionalities of a moral, social, political, philosophical, or religious nature. The fact that the conventions always flourish in one form or another only proves that the vast majority of mankind do not choose their own way, but convention, and consequently develop not themselves but a method and a mode of life at the cost of their own wholeness. ~Carl Jung; CW 17, The Development of Personality.


To most New-agers and the radical non-dualist and such spiritual communities, bliss means ecstatic joy and happiness, like living in paradise or heaven. They’re often talking of how completely blissed out they get during one of their mystical experiences.
It’s a misinterpretation of terms.
It’s the ignorance of a learned or taught position rather than an experiential one.
So they go off seeking “eternal bliss” and when they find how their mystical experiences don’t last very long and the “bliss” once again eludes and fades away them they become depressed.
They think bliss means that they’ll be forever happy but it’s a delusional notion.
"One must not seek happiness. The happiness that one seeks is a usurped one. Organic happiness, the bliss that comes from the center of the earth, that alone is fruitful & that simply comes. Sometimes it surges from the deepest suffering.. When one distances oneself too much from suffering one loses depth, & happiness comes from depth."
~C.G. Jung, Remembrances of C.G., Emma Jung & Toni Wolff p. 54 (by Susan Percheron)

"The greatest amount of good, of happiness, is complete nonsense; the really good life is half happiness and half suffering. And therefore God made for man the full life which is always a little regrettable. Then it is all right, then only one feels that one is really alive: the beauty is beautiful and the ugliness is really ugly, and everything is in its place. "
~C.G. Jung, the Zarathustra seminars

"Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity." ~Carl Jung

If a man's life consists half of happiness and half of unhappiness, this is probably the optimum that can be reached, and it remains forever an unresolved question whether suffering is educative or demoralizing. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 248.


The object of life is not happiness, but to serve God or the Grail. All of the Grail quests are to serve God. If one understands this and drops his idiotic notion that the meaning of life is personal happiness, then one will find that elusive quality immediately at hand. ~Robert A. Johnson

Joy can never ever be prepared, but exists of its own accord or exists not at all. All you must do is fulfill your task nothing else. Joy comes from fulfillment, but not from longing. ~Philemon to Carl Jung; The Red Book; Page 341

"We come into this world not to be happy, primarily, but to learn. Life after life we pass through complicated experiences until in the fullness of living we learn to grow happily. Happiness is the by-product of our harmonious adjustment to the universal plan."
~Manly P. Hall, Reincarnation: The Cycle Of Necessity, Pg.114
(Don’t seek happiness)

“When someone seeks," said Siddhartha, "then it easily happens that his eyes see only the thing that he seeks, and he is able to find nothing, to take in nothing because he always thinks only about the thing he is seeking, because he has one goal, because he is obsessed with his goal.
Seeking means: having a goal.
But finding means: being free, being open, having no goal.”
~Hermann Hesse

現実から現実への真摯な呼びかけ、目覚めへの真摯な呼びかけは、私たちの中の非常に深いところからやってくるものです。それは、良い気分になりたいという気持ちよりも、真実を知りたいという気持ちから来るものです。もし私たちの志向が、単にその瞬間ごとに良い気分になりたいというものであれば、私たちは自分自身を騙し続けることになります。私たちは、自分の妄想が自分を良くしていると思い込んでいるのです。目覚めるためには、常に気分が良くなることを求めるというパラダイムから脱却しなければなりません。もちろん、私たちはより良い気分になりたいのです。それは、人間の経験の一部です。それは人間の経験の一部です。私たちは、より多くの喜びとより少ない痛みを求めるように遺伝しています。しかし、私たちの中にはもっと深い衝動があり、それを私は「目覚めへの衝動」と表現しています。~ アディアシャンティ『あなたの世界の終わり』より



"どんな素材でも、耐えられるストレスには限界があります。水には沸点があり、金属には融点があります。精神の要素も同じように振る舞います。幸福は、それ以上の幸福を感じられないほどの高さに達することがある。痛み、絶望、屈辱、嫌悪、恐怖も同じです。器が一杯になると、世界はそれを加えることができない。" ~ ステファン・ツヴァイク



[この世で一番の幸せは人格の喜びであろう】。] ~ゲーテ
[284] ゲーテのスタンザの最後の2行は、やや自由な発想でよく引用される。


"The sincere call from reality to reality, the sincere call to awaken, is a call that comes from a very deep place within us. It comes from a place that wants the truth more than it wants to feel good. If our orientation is simply to feel better in each moment, then we’ll continue to delude ourselves, because trying to feel better in the moment is exactly how we delude ourselves. We think our delusions are making us feel better. In order to awaken, we must break out of the paradigm of always seeking to feel better. Of course, we want to feel better; it’s part of the human experience. Everybody wants to feel good. We are hardwired to seek more pleasure and less pain. But there is an even deeper impulse within us, and that is what I describe as the impulse to awaken." ~ Adyashanti, The End of Your World

If you investigate the matter deeply enough and widely enough, you will find that happiness eludes nearly all men despite the fact that they are forever seeking it. The fortunate and successful few are those who have stopped seeking with the ego alone and allow the search to be directed inwardly by the higher self. They alone can find a happiness unblemished by defects or deficiencies, a Supreme Good which is not a further source of pain and sorrow but an endless source of satisfaction and peace. ~Paul Brunton

“To get happiness, forget about it; then with any luck, happiness will come as a by-product in pursuing meaningful activities and relationships.” ~Martin, 2013, ibid:31.

“There's an inherent limit to the stress that any material can bear. Water has its boiling point, metals their melting points. The elements of the spirit behave the same way. Happiness can reach a pitch so great that any further happiness can't be felt. Pain, despair, humiliation, disgust, and fear are no different. Once the vessel is full, the world can't add to it.” ~ Stefan Zweig

“Why should I be unhappy? Every parcel of my being is in full bloom.”


[The Highest bliss on earth shall be The joys of personality!] ~Goethe
Chapter VII
[284] In somewhat free-handed fashion the last two lines of Goethe’s stanza are often quoted:
The Highest bliss on earth shall be
The joys of personality!
This gives expression to the view that the ultimate aim and strongest desire of all mankind is to develop that fullness of life which is called personality. Nowadays, “personality training” has become an educational ideal that turns its back upon the standardized, mass-produced, “normal” human being demanded by the machine age. It thus pays tribute to the historical fact that the great liberating deeds of world history have sprung from leading personalities and never from the inert mass, which is at all times secondary and can only be prodded into activity by the demagogue.
~CG Jung, CW 17, Para 284.


J. クリシュナムルティ
ラージガット第7回少年少女への語りかけ 1952年12月17日


Have you noticed your own feelings, how you look at the mason, the man who builds, who mends the road, the driver of a taxi or a rickshaw, how you regard him with absolute contempt? To you he does not even exist; but when you look at a man with a title, an M.A., or a B.A., a little clerk, a banker, a merchant, a pundit, a minister, immediately you respect him and disregard the tongawala. But if you really found your true vocation, then you would break down this system completely; because then you might be a gardener, a painter, because then you would be doing something which you really love with your being. That is not ambition, to do something marvellously, completely, truly according to what you think; that is not ambition; in that there is no fear. But it is very difficult, because that means that the teacher has to pay a great deal of attention to teach each one of his boys to find out what he is capable of, to help him to find out, to help him not to be afraid but to question to investigate. You may be a writer, you may be a poet, you may be a painter; and if you love that, you have no ambition; because, in that, you want to be, to create; it is a thing which you love. In love, there is no ambition.
J. Krishnamurti
Rajghat 7th Talk to Boys and Girls 17th December 1952



しかし、職業、またはその感覚は、偉大な人格の特権ではありません。「小人」の人格に至るまで、小さな人にも適していますが、サイズが小さくなるにつれて、声はますますこもります。そして無意識。それはまるで、内部のデーモンの声がどんどん遠ざかっているようで、めったに、そしてもっと不明瞭に話しました。性格が小さければ小さいほど、暗くなり、無意識になり、最終的には周囲の社会と見分けがつかなくなり、それ自体の全体性を放棄し、グループの全体性に溶け込みます。内なる声の代わりに、その慣習を持つグループの声があり、召命は集合的な必需品に置き換えられます。しかし、この無意識の社会的状況の中でも、声の召喚によって目覚めたと呼ばれる人は少なくなく、すぐに他人から離れ、他人が何も知らない問題に直面していると感じます。ほとんどの場合、何が起こったのかを他の人に説明することは不可能です。なぜなら、理解は不可解な偏見によって妨げられているからです。 「あなたは他の人と何ら変わりはありません」または「そのようなものはありません」、そしてそのようなものがあっても、それはすぐに「病的」および「最も見苦しい」とブランド化されます。それは「その種のものがわずかな意味を持つ可能性があると仮定するという恐ろしい推定」であり、「純粋に心理的」であるためです。


この最後の異議は、今日非常に人気があります。それは、人々が明らかに個人的で恣意的であり、したがって完全に無益であると見なしている、精神的なものの奇妙な過小評価から生じています。そしてこれは、逆説的には、心理学に対する彼らの熱意にもかかわらず、十分です。結局のところ、無意識は「空想に他ならない」のです。私たちは「ただ想像した」などなど。人々は自分自身をマジシャンだと思っており、精神をあちこちに想起させ、気分に合わせてファッションを作ることができます。彼らは不便だと思うことを否定し、厄介なものを昇華させ、恐怖症を説明し、欠点を修正し、最終的にすべてを美しく整えたと感じます。その間、彼らは本質的なポイントを忘れました。それは、精神のごくわずかな部分だけが意識的な心とその魔法のトリックの箱と同一であるのに対し、大部分は無意識の事実であり、花崗岩のように硬くて模倣できないということです。 、動かせない、アクセスできない、それでもいつでも目に見えない力の要請で私たちに衝突する準備ができています。今日私たちを脅かしている巨大な大災害は、物理的または生物学的秩序の基本的な出来事ではなく、精神的な出来事です。非常に恐ろしい程度に、私たちは精神的な大流行に他ならない戦争と革命によって脅かされています。いつでも数百万人の人間が新たな狂気に襲われる可能性があり、それから私たちは別の世界大戦または壊滅的な革命を起こすでしょう。野獣、地震、地滑り、浸水に翻弄される代わりに、現代人は自分の精神の要素的な力に打ちのめされています。これは、地球上の他のすべての力をはるかに超える世界の力です。自然と人間の神々の制度を剥奪した啓蒙時代は、人間の魂に宿る恐怖の神を見落としていました。どこにでもあるとしても、神への恐れは、超能力者の圧倒的な優位性に直面して正当化されます。
しかし、多くの人の窮状と個人の個性は何の関係があるのでしょうか。そもそも彼は全体として人々の一部であり、他の誰よりも全体を動かす力に翻弄されています。彼を他のすべての人と区別する唯一のものは彼の職業です。彼は、彼自身と彼の人々の苦痛である、そのすべての強力で、すべての専制的な精神的必要性によって呼ばれてきました。彼が声に耳を傾けるならば、彼は彼が内側から彼に命じる法律に従うことを決心したので、彼はすぐに離れて孤立します。 「彼自身の法則!」みんな泣きます。
〜CG Jung、Collected Works 17、The Development of Personality、Pg。 175.299項から304項。





〜C.G。 Jung、Remembrances of C.G.、Emma Jung&Toni Wolffp。 54(Susan Percheronによる)


「幸せな人生でさえ、ある程度の暗闇がなければなり得ません。そして、幸せという言葉は、悲しみとバランスが取れていないと意味を失います。忍耐と平静を伴って物事をとる方がはるかに良いです。」 〜カール・ユング

人間の人生が幸福の半分と不幸の半分で構成されている場合、これはおそらく到達可能な最適なものであり、苦しみが教育的であるか士気をくじくものであるかは永遠に未解決の問題です。 〜Carl Jung、LettersVol。 II、248ページ。

人生の目的は幸福ではなく、神または聖杯に仕えることです。聖杯のクエストはすべて、神に仕えることです。これを理解し、人生の意味は個人的な幸福であるという彼のばかげた概念を捨てると、そのとらえどころのない品質がすぐに手元にあることに気付くでしょう。 〜ロバートA.ジョンソン

喜びは決して準備することはできませんが、それ自体が一致して存在するか、まったく存在しません。あなたがしなければならないのはあなたの仕事を他に何も果たさないことです。喜びは充実感から生まれますが、憧れからは生まれません。 〜フィレモンからカール・ユングへ;レッドブック; 341ページ

〜Manly P. Hall、Reincarnation:The Cycle Of Necessity、Pg.114



「現実から現実への誠実な呼びかけ、目覚めへの誠実な呼びかけは、私たちの内なる非常に深い場所からの呼びかけです。それは、気分を良くしたいよりも真実を望んでいる場所から来ています。その瞬間に気分が良くなることは、まさに私たちが自分自身を欺く方法であるため、私たちは自分自身を欺き続けます。私たちの妄想は私たちを気分を良くしていると思います。目覚めるために、私たちは脱出する必要があります。常に気分を良くしようとするパラダイムの私たちの中で、そしてそれは私が目覚めさせる衝動として説明するものです。」 〜アディヤシャンティ、あなたの世界の終わり

問題を十分に深くそして広く調査すると、彼らが永遠にそれを求めているという事実にもかかわらず、幸福はほとんどすべての男性を逃れていることがわかります。幸運で成功した少数の人々は、自我だけで探求するのをやめ、ハイヤーセルフによって探求が内向きに向けられることを可能にした人々です。彼らだけが、欠陥や欠陥によって傷つけられていない幸福を見つけることができます。最高善は、さらなる痛みと悲しみの源ではなく、無限の満足と平和の源です。 〜ポールブラントン

「幸せを得るには、それを忘れてください。そうすれば、運が良ければ、幸福は意味のある活動や人間関係を追求する際の副産物としてもたらされるでしょう。」 〜Martin、2013、同上:31。

「あらゆる材料が耐えることができるストレスには固有の限界があります。水には沸点があり、金属には融点があります。精神の要素は同じように振る舞います。幸福は非常に大きなピッチに達する可能性があるため、それ以上の幸福は感じられません。痛み、絶望、屈辱、嫌悪感、恐れも同じです。船がいっぱいになると、世界はそれに追加することはできません。」 〜シュテファンツヴァイク


〜CG Jung、CW 17、パラ284。


あなたは自分自身の感情、石工、建設者、道路修繕者、タクシーや人力車の運転手をどのように見ているか、絶対的な軽蔑の目で見ていることに気づいたことがありますか? あなたにとって彼は存在すらしません。 しかし、修士号や学士号、小さな事務員、銀行家、商人、評論家、牧師などの肩書きを持つ人を見ると、すぐに彼を尊敬し、トンガワラを無視します。 しかし、もしあなたが本当に自分の本当の天職を見つけたなら、このシステムを完全に打ち破るでしょう。 なぜなら、そのときあなたは庭師や画家になるかもしれないからです。そのとき、あなたは自分の存在で本当に好きなことをしていることになるからです。 それは野心ではなく、自分の思い通りに、素晴らしいことを、完全に、本当に実現するということです。 それは野心ではありません。 恐れがないという点で。 しかし、それは非常に難しいことです。なぜなら、教師は、息子たち一人一人に自分の能力を見つけさせ、見つけさせ、怖がらないように教えるために多大な注意を払わなければならないことを意味するからです。 しかし、調査するために質問する。 あなたは作家かもしれない、詩人かもしれない、画家かもしれない。 そしてそれが好きなら、野心はありません。 なぜなら、その中であなたはなりたい、創造したいからです。 それはあなたが愛するものです。 恋愛には野心がありません。
J. クリシュナムルティ
ラージガート第 7 回少年少女向けトーク 1952 年 12 月 17 日