The youngest worker broke the parts of the machine, then our boss offered him to clean the toilet from afternoon to the evening. ( ̄□ ̄;)gosh!!



It's "Golden Week(a long holiday)"!! ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノyey!!

But I have only 3 days holiday. ⊂(゚д゚;)hey!


That's why I started watching "One Piece" on the web.

Then.... I fell asleep while I didn't knew. It was 2:30 am when I got up.

Someone stole my Friday night!! (;´Д`)ノnooo!!


I supposed I've been tired with suddenly hot weather and work hard recently.

Then I wasn't in a mood to cooking something for dinner so I got food at a supermarket. (°∀°)b good!!


If I was fine, I can go out tomorrow but I won't.

It's already 3:00 am and I'll get up around afternoon. σ(^_^;)





上司は後輩に昼から終わりまでトイレ掃除を命令。( ̄□ ̄;)・・・。



GWじゃーヽ(゚◇゚ )ノyey!!

って3連休じゃないか!( *゚з゚)ミジカイ


ってことで "ワンピース" を見始める。

・・・寝落ちしたw 起きたら2:30。




晩飯も作る気力もなくてスーパーで買ってきちゃった。(°∀°)b ウマシ



もう3:00だし、起きるの昼あたりになりそうじゃw σ(^_^;)ヤッチャッタ