







今という 時間とともに 消し去って欲しい
心の奥底に 深く刻まれた
痛みと 悲しみと 苦しみを

青い夜は 悲しみに染まり
黒い夜は 寂しさに包まれる

乾ききった 砂になる涙
記憶の 欠片
消えゆく 過去
痛みの残る 傷跡












On lonely nights, when flowing tears turn to sand, 

in distant memories, black and blue shadows dance

I want it to disappear with the time that is now.

All the pain, sorrow, and suffering that's etched 

deep into the recesses of your mind.


The blue night is tinged with sadness.

The black night is a lonely one.


Dry, sandy tears.

Piece of memory

The Vanishing Past

Painful scarring


The blue-black sky is turning into jet-black darkness