One of the least pleasant office activitiesaround is folding letters. Sure, it's a necessary task, but it's not alot of fun and depending on how many letters need to go out, it can bevery time-consuming. But now it's possible to automate the process andthe folks at office machine manufacturer Dahle have created a greatmachine that can help you out: the 10560 high-speed letter folder. Keepreading to learn about the pros of this machine, plus a couple of minorcons.

The Pros:

The 10560 is a great machine touse if you have a large mailing to go out. This machine can fold up to4,000 sheets of normal printer/copier paper in an hour. Having amachine with this type of folding capacity can really help you savetime and manpower because one (or more) of your employees won't getstuck with folding a lot of documents.Staples are no matchfor the 10560. This machine can easily fold stapled documents so youwon't have to spend time either removing staples before folding orstapling your documents afterward.The 10560 operatesquietly, so it won't add to your office's noise level. This a greatfeature to have because it means the folder can sit on a desk and itwon't distract or annoy a person who's on the phone or working on acomputer.This letter folder has a paper tray that can holdup to 50 sheets of paper. This means you can stack your documents inthe tray, turn the machine on, and it will fold your letters even ifyou leave your desk. The machine has a continuous mode so it can finishyour folding job in just a short amount of time.The 10560 can produce four different kinds of folds: letter, z-fold, double parallel, ultrasonic fabric sewing machine factory and half-fold.Thisletter folder retails for $599.00, which means it's cheaper than payingyour employees to fold your correspondence and invoices. Buying thismachine can help free up either you or your employees so you can workon things that are more rewarding.The Cons:  Although the 10560 can fold 4,000 sheets per hour, you're limited inthe size of the documents you can fold. The 10560 can only folddocuments that are no more than five pages long, so this machine won'tbe of much use if your documents are lengthy. However, if you're justfolding letters and bills, the folding capacity shouldn't be too muchof a problem.This letter folder can't fold glossy paper, so you'll be stuck with folding documents printed on regular bond paper.Ifyou want to fold stapled sets with this machine you will need to feedthem one at a time by hand. Do not try to place your stapled sets intothe feed tray, the rollers will not pick up the set uniformly and themachine will most likely jam.Overall, the 10560 is a greatmachine that can take a tedious, unpleasant task off of your hands soyou can work on projects that are more important. This machine isquiet, fast, and affordable, and it would be a great addition to anymail room, office, or receptionist area. If you or your employees spendtoo much time folding paper, you need to give the Dahle 10560high-speed letter folder a look!