Friends of victims of mind control I would like to inform you that the center of evil here inside Iraq and that all you are being hurt is because of this gang inside Iraq. In Iraq, there is nothing like it in the world. It is a gang of mind control over everything here. They are cursed viruses. Belgium, this gang led by Satan himself, who claimed to be a prophet and teaches the unseen while he is a cursed intelligence officer and with him a homosexual person acting as a security agent. Because I discovered the presence of germs inside Iraq. They are a group of North and West and they are from this gang. They have influence in those countries and through them. I have warned everyone about this false prophet and the help of the abnormal security agent. Of course I am just a simple citizen inside Iraq. But a victim of slavery in this gang. I have only one person against this whole gang. Fail because of a lie invented by this devil is a lie followers. It is just a lie..Believe me that inside Iraq there is the biggest conspiracy against America and the European countries. This false prophet and his security agent. And all the elements that come out of Iraq to those countries are elements of gangs. Taking advantage that no one understands anything about this. Neither a doctor nor a hospital. That is why this gang has been clearly killing. Without being afraid of anything. These weapons cost billions, while the people suffer poverty, unemployment and deprivation. Of course it is very funny to be falsified qualities make me someone who has an organization inside Iraq. This gang is in it. Intercession for them to continue their silent mass killings against the people. This is nonsense and empty talk. They are part of the gang of this devil who made himself a prophet. His body after he sows them slices for mind control. .They steal the people and not only do this, but also kill him without any evidence. Alice Shi does not have the dirtiest of it. Of course, I asked NATO to observe Iraq via satellites. In order to expand the danger and infiltrate the United States and Europe. . When the messengers of this devil go to those countries, it is funny that the law inside Iraq has become a mere servant of these gangs. As for me. As I told you. Never stop trying to free myself from this devil attached to me like filth .. But uses all kinds of lies and deception. For example, once he makes himself a guardian for me or a secretary or someone who translates my movements and actions. And once someone makes me choose items or branches through a game likes and dislikes or when I live in a place or eat or drink or take a need or some money. But Satan manipulates this. He makes them the orders he wants. With someone who is also in it an anomaly security agent. But this dirty is actually where. But I'm absolutely not one of them. .And not recognized by all laws. But these are the devil's tricks to escape punishment. My game is more of a lie that affects me. Because these liars are preventing the real law from holding gangs to mind control.There is disagreement between people from one constituency, one organization, or a clan. They say that I am always on the side of them. I know myself to that side. . I have noticed that they are doing the impossible so that they are not exposed to international opinion. Because they have a plan to extend their influence outside Iraq. .I wish all friends in America and European countries to be very careful of this gang .. to be strangled inside Iraq.