1. 害獣駆除をするにも「狩猟免許」が必要だという。法令の知識を問うペーパーテストもあるようだ。世の中資格と法令ばかりでうんざりしてくる。ただ、資格持ちしかできない仕組みだからこそ、職業が生まれるし、参入障壁の高さのおかげでサービスの質と安全が保たれる。騒音の測定もなんとなく騒音計を向けて表示される数値を一度見てそれで終わり…なら誰でもできるが正確さは微塵も無い。騒音ごとに解析手法が異なるからである。ザルででたらめばかりでは理系の出番がなくなるし、公害が放置されてしまう。

2. 電気の勉強を始めた頃は虚数単位としてjを使うことに違和感を感じていたが、三種に合格する頃には逆に虚数単位はjが当たり前になっていた。ただ、高校生の数学の授業では意識してiを使わないといけなくなってしまい、授業時に困った。最近は高校生に授業をする機会が無いのでその点は助かる。数学の先生が虚数単位をjと書いたらやはりおかしいのだ。こんな常識と非常識のはざまで苦悩する変な数学教師は、私だけだろう。

3. 一般計量教習入所試験の過去問解説が売れた。ありがとうございます。この試験の受験生に解説を売ったのは二度目である。一人目は最初の依頼者である。全国におそらく数十人しかいない一般計量教習の受験生と出会えるインターネットというのは、改めてすごいツールだと思う。多少でも売れるのならば、毎年解説を書きます。


1. A "hunting license" is required when exterminating pests. There also appears to be a paper test that tests knowledge of laws and regulations. I'm getting tired of all the qualifications and laws in this world. However, the system allows only those with qualifications to create jobs, and the high barrier to entry maintains the quality and safety of the service. Anyone can simply point a sound level meter at the source of the noise, but it is not at all accurate. This is because the analysis method differs depending on the noise. If things are always incomplete, engineers won't be able to play a role, and the pollution problem won't be solved.

2. When I started studying electricity, I felt uncomfortable using j as an imaginary number unit, but by the time I passed the third class, using j as an imaginary number unit had become commonplace. However, in my high school math class, I had to consciously use the letter i, so I had a hard time. I don't have the opportunity to teach classes to high school students these days, so that's helpful. It would be strange if a math teacher wrote the imaginary unit as j. I'm probably the only math teacher who struggles with i and j.

3. I sold explanations for entrance exams for general metrology training.I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the purchasers. This is the second time I have sold explanations to students taking this exam. The first person is the first requester. There are probably only a few dozen people nationwide who take the general metrology course. I once again think that the Internet is an amazing tool that allows me to meet such unusual people. If I can sell it even a little, I will write an explanation every year.