災害への備えを再考 | 阿波の梟のブログ









Every year on September 1st, Disaster Preparedness Day is observed across Japan with disaster drills conducted nationwide. This day serves as a reminder of the Great Kanto Earthquake that struck on September 1, 1923, and aims to reinforce our preparedness for natural disasters. Additionally, this period often coincides with the "210th day" in the traditional Japanese calendar, a time notorious for frequent typhoons, further emphasizing the need for vigilance against potential disasters. The selection of September 1st as Disaster Preparedness Day is thus deeply rooted in a desire to instill a heightened awareness of the importance of disaster readiness.

However, there is an irony in that this season, known for typhoons and heavy rainfall, sometimes leads to the cancellation of the very disaster drills intended to prepare us for such events. While conducting drills during a high-risk period underscores the importance of practical preparedness, it also presents a dilemma when the execution of these drills becomes challenging. Nonetheless, the significance of nationwide drills on this day cannot be overstated. Through these drills, individuals can learn essential self-protection skills, and communities can strengthen their collective disaster response capabilities.

In these drills, basic actions such as "extinguishing fires, protecting your head, and securing an exit" are repeatedly emphasized. These actions are fundamental procedures for safeguarding oneself and those around them in emergencies such as earthquakes or fires. Moreover, the saying "In an earthquake, you can understand the situation within a minute" highlights the importance of staying calm and acting rationally, as doing so can significantly reduce the impact of a disaster.

Disaster Preparedness Day should also prompt not just individuals and families, but entire communities to bolster their readiness for natural disasters. It is crucial for local communities to come together to verify evacuation sites, secure evacuation routes, and establish reliable communication methods for emergencies. Additionally, by learning from past disaster cases and identifying areas for improvement, communities can develop more effective disaster preparedness plans.

Disaster Preparedness Day should not merely be seen as an annual event, but as an opportunity for each of us to reaffirm our awareness of natural disasters and take concrete actions to prepare for them. While we cannot predict when a natural disaster will strike, being prepared can significantly mitigate the damage. To protect our lives and those of our loved ones, we must take this opportunity to reassess and enhance our disaster preparedness efforts.