「リンフォースメント」とは | 阿波の梟のブログ





  • ポジティブなリンフォースメント: 望ましい行動が行われた場合に、それに続く報酬や称賛などのプラスの要素を加えることで、その行動を強化する方法です。例えば、子供が宿題をしっかりと終えた際に褒めることがポジティブなリンフォースメントです。

  • ネガティブなリンフォースメント: 望ましい行動が行われた場合に、不快な刺激や不利な状況を取り除くことで、その行動を強化する方法です。例えば、子供が部屋を片付けたら、テレビを見ることを許可するというのは、ネガティブなリンフォースメントの一例です。




"Reinforcement" is a term used in the fields of behavioral psychology and educational psychology to refer to the process of increasing the likelihood of a behavior occurring. Specifically, it refers to the mechanism by which desirable behavior is strengthened when it occurs, making it more likely to be repeated.

Reinforcement is primarily classified into two categories: positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement.

  • Positive Reinforcement: This involves adding positive elements such as rewards or praise when desirable behavior occurs to strengthen that behavior. For example, praising a child for completing homework diligently is a form of positive reinforcement.

  • Negative Reinforcement: This involves removing unpleasant stimuli or adverse situations when desirable behavior occurs to strengthen that behavior. For instance, allowing a child to watch TV after they have cleaned their room is an example of negative reinforcement.

The purpose of reinforcement is to strengthen and sustain desirable behavior, enabling individuals such as children or animals to learn and solidify desirable behaviors.

The origin of the term "reinforcement" stems from the English word "reinforce," which originated from the mid-15th century French word "reforcier" and is derived from the Latin words "re-" (again) and "fortis" (strong). Therefore, "reinforce" means to strengthen, make more powerful, or bolster something.

In the context of behavioral psychology, "reinforcement" refers to the process of reinforcing specific behaviors to increase the likelihood of their recurrence. This term was introduced by behaviorist psychologists to explain the learning and transformation of behavior.