科学的方法論の構築 | 阿波の梟のブログ




  1. ガリレオ・ガリレイ:

    • ガリレオの斜面や落下体に関する実験は、運動と重力の理解に大きく貢献しました。
    • 名言: 「そして、それは動く」。これは、ガリレオが太陽中心説を支持したことを取り消させられた後に述べられたとされる言葉です。
  2. アイザック・ニュートン:

    • ニュートンの運動の法則と万有引力の法則は、物理学を革新し、古典力学の基礎を築きました。
    • 名言: 「私が遠くを見渡せたのは、巨人の肩の上に立っているからです」。これは、過去の科学者の貢献に対する彼の認識を強調した言葉です。


Unearthing the Scientific Method:

In this chapter, the focus lies on constructing the scientific methodology and its historical context. Notable figures such as Galileo and Newton serve as prime examples of adhering to scientific methods. They conducted observations and experiments to uncover laws governing natural phenomena. Here are some specific examples and quotes that illustrate their contributions:

  1. Galileo Galilei:

    • Galileo's experiments with inclined planes and falling bodies contributed significantly to the understanding of motion and gravity.
    • Quote: "E pur si muove" ("And yet it moves"), attributed to Galileo after being forced to recant his support for the heliocentric model of the solar system.
  2. Isaac Newton:

    • Newton's laws of motion and universal gravitation revolutionized physics and laid the foundation for classical mechanics.
    • Quote: "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants," emphasizing his acknowledgment of the contributions of past scientists to his work.

These examples demonstrate how observation and experimentation were crucial elements in their scientific inquiries. Galileo's meticulous observations of celestial bodies and terrestrial motion, as well as Newton's systematic experimentation and mathematical formulations, exemplify the scientific method in action. Through their work, they established principles that continue to guide scientific inquiry to this day.