民主主義の基本原則である自由選挙 | 阿波の梟のブログ









From the perspective of political philosophy, the importance of free elections is underscored by John Rawls' "principles of justice," which emphasize the right of citizens to determine their own political destiny. Free elections are positioned as a means for citizens to directly participate in the formation of government and establish the legitimacy of political power. Rawls argued that elections conducted under political freedom and fair competition should only be realized under a just social contract.

From an ethical standpoint, philosophers such as John Stuart Mill and Aristotle argue that free elections respect the dignity and self-determination of individual humans, contributing to societal well-being and goodness. Providing individuals with the opportunity to reflect their own opinions and values is deemed crucial from an ethical perspective.

From the perspective of sociology, scholars like Alexis de Tocqueville and Robert Dahl argue that free elections promote social cohesion and foster citizen participation and responsibility. The electoral process becomes an important means to resolve social inequalities and conflicts through dialogue and compromise among different social groups and interest entities.

From the standpoint of legal philosophy, philosophers such as John Rawls and Ronald Dworkin argue that free elections establish the legitimacy and legality of law, gaining citizens' trust and compliance. Elections are positioned as an essential process to realize the rule of law and citizen autonomy.

From these perspectives, free elections are seen as a cornerstone of democracy, recognized for their importance across the fields of political philosophy, ethics, sociology, and legal philosophy. Therefore, activities such as democratic education and human rights monitoring during the election process are essential elements for the healthy development of democratic societies.