FF4 Terra Hard Type Mist Dragon Battle & Lydia's Joining

Play FF4 Terra Hard Type.[Bomb's ring] in hand,
The first boss battle in the Cave of Mist, the Mist Dragon battle, Cecil and his friends are about level 12.
The normal attack will do about 50-60 damage.
The Mist Dragon's normal attack does about 50 damage.
Cecil's attack will do 20-40 damage.
Mist Dragon's blizzard will do about 70 damage.
Cain's jump will do about 50 damage, so he will use it.

After that, we meet in [the village of Mist],
Lydia's joining. Then the fierce battle with the Baron soldiers in Caipo, and the mystery of Rosa's high fever.
The adventure will continue to deepen.


Changes: -----------
Initial parameters, growth rates, special commands, items, weapons, magic,Monster enhancements

Stay tuned for the next episode!

Please beware of spoilers.

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