
Yesterday was a holiday but I had to work in the morning so I woke up before 5am and went to work (・_・;


昨日は朝早く大森オオゼキビルでの仕事をスタッフと一緒に向かえましたガーンDASH! 途中で立ち食いそば屋に寄ってとっても美味しいラーメンかけそば割り箸食べましたにひひチョキ

Yesterday early morning on my way to Omori Ozeki Building with one of my staff, we stopped by a soba noodle restaurant and I ate a very delicious kake soba noodle (^o^)/




Then after arriving safely to the Omori Ozeki Building I did my best st work (^_^;)/




Starting from yesterday for one week my company has an Asian goods booth there (^-^)/




After finishing work in the afternoon I came back home and took a break then I went shopping at the Costcos in Misato (^ー^)ノ


さてと~ 今日から20日までインド出張行きますにひひ音譜 午前中ビル会社の仕事してから午後インド出張行きますにひひ音譜

Well~ starting from today until the 20th I will be going to India. I will go to work in the morning then leave for India in the evening (^_-)-☆
