Song name: What do you say in Japanese?

Songwriting : Satomi Watanabe

Production: Satomi Music Studio


This song is a song of the English version to the Japanese free ear that it sounds like this to the Japanese, by listing English words without context. It also contains the latest Japanese buzzword.

In a word that combines English words, "I hear it like this for Japanese people" has been created for me. What do you think?

Please check out YouTube about what kind of English words are listed. Search is "What do you say in Japanese?"


It is three more years until the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.

Let's learn Japanese that is in the lyrics of this song from now for the time of love at first sight to the Japanese.

When I came to Japan at the Tokyo Olympic Games or when I came to sightseeing in Japan, I tried collecting Japanese that is convenient for me to know. If you know this word, the time spent in Japan will be more enjoyable.

I hope your time in Japan will be a wonderful time.

Satomi Music Studio

Representative Satomi Watanabe


曲名:What do you say in Japanese(日本語でなんつーの?)












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