K1 Global Ltd.清算開始・・・ | Mr.Gの気まぐれ投資コラム



K1 Fund Allocation Systemの開発者Helmut Kiener氏の逮捕により、K1ファンドを提供していたK1 Global Ltd.は解散することとなってしまいましたが、その清算作業がようやく開始されたようです。
投資家のところには、British Virgin Islandsの「Grant Thornton」という清算会社から以下のレターが送られています。

Dear Creditor
K1 Global Ltd. - in Liquidation (the Company)
We write to advise you that the Company was placed into liquidation by
resolution of its sole shareholder pursuant to section 159(2) of the British Virgin Islands
Insolvency Act, 2003 (the Act) and that Hugh Dickson and Mark McDonald were appointed
joint liquidators on 17 November, 2009 (the Liquidators).
The records of the Company we have received to date indicate that you may be a creditor of
the Company.
We are making urgent inquiries to identify and secure the assets of the Company and have
commenced an investigation into the financial position and affairs of the Company. Our
inquiries are currently at an early stage, but we hope to be able to provide you with our initial
findings in the near future.
The Liquidators will be convening a meeting of the creditors of the Company under Section
179(1) of the Act. We are seeking directions from the British Virgin Islands Court as to the
timing and location of the meeting given the large number of overseas creditors (thought to
be in excess of 3,000) and the practical issues surrounding the organisation of such a meeting.
We will advise you of the outcome of our application and the details of the creditors meeting
We have established a website to keep creditors informed about the liquidation. The address
of the website is: www.K1globalltd-liquidation.com. All information, announcements and
reports will be uploaded to this website. The Liquidators are proposing to upload their first
report to creditors to the website by 8 December, 2009. The password for the report and for
any other password protected documents uploaded to the website is K1GT5678.
Please note that creditor claim forms are available on the website. To ensure that your claim
in the liquidation is recorded please download, complete and return the claim form by
facsimile (+1 345 949 7120) or email: (K1global@gtuk.com).
Please address any queries via email to the Liquidators at: K1global@gtuk.com.
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of K1 Global Ltd.
Mark McDonald & Hugh Dickson
Joint Liquidators