宮崎Miyazaki観光:宿泊:Japanese sightseeing information | 観光 情報、やすらぎのお宿:(身体にやさしいお料理や温泉)宿泊情報

観光 情報、やすらぎのお宿:(身体にやさしいお料理や温泉)宿泊情報

身体にやさしいお料理や温泉情報又高齢者に配慮した施設情報などやすらぎのお宿(宿泊)情報(the accommodation of Japan)です。各県の観光情報、車椅子又はバリアフリー対応観光施設情報(Japanese sightseeing information)もあります。季節のイベント情報、観光イベント情報

  観光(宮崎) 宿泊: 体にやさしいお宿
japanese original scenery
観光(宮崎)宿泊 情報(やすらぎのお宿)
Japanese sightseeing information


The details of the sightseeing information of Miyazaki,please click here.(festivals and events)
















  [ 堀切峠・日南海岸 ]  

Nichinan-kaigan Coast, located in the southern part of Miyazaki Prefecture, is the southernmost saw-toothed coastline in Japan.The Nichinan Kaigan area is designated as the Nichinan Kaigan Quasi-National Park. There are many sightseeing spots such as the roadside station with an observatory and the Horikiri Pass where you can see the spectacular view of the Nichinan coast. It is also a popular drive course.

[ 堀切峠・日南海岸 宮崎市:Miyazaki City]

宮崎市観光協会 WEBサイト
(写真提供 みやざき観光コンベンション協会)

  [ 都井岬・野生馬 ]  
The most southerly city in Miyazakiprefecture,Kushima City is a quiet town sprawling across nearly 250 square kilometers.Cape Toi is a valuable place where you can see horses living in the wild, and it is a popular tourist area for horse lovers.

[ 都井岬・野生馬 串間市:Kushima City ]
(写真提供 みやざき観光コンベンション協会)
  [ 霧島 ]  

Kirishima is a volcanic mountain range that sits on the border between Miyazaki and Kagoshima Prefectures.There are popular tourist destinations such as Ebino Plateau and Kirishima Onsenkyo in the surrounding area. It is one of the 100 landscapes of Japan. It is also one of the 100 famous mountains in Japan.

[ 霧島 えびの市:Ebino City ]
(写真提供 みやざき観光コンベンション協会)













The sightseeing information 

of Miyazaki,please click here.

≪Japanese original scenery
ブログ     produced by S.K