Vol.12 | リコーダー吹きの休日Recorderist's Holiday

リコーダー吹きの休日Recorderist's Holiday

Hi, I'm Yuuki Saitoo, a recorder player.
I'm doing this hoping this can be a break for someone.

(電話のみ/Only talk)


If you haven't read, read this first please!


Why did God demand offerings from Israelite people? Isn't it strange to demand such things for oneself? not only that but in detail?










I understand that there are two types of the offerings that God commanded Israeli people, one is for their sins, and the other is to thank God.

First, let's talk about the thanks one.

Come to think what makes me happiest, one of them is that I give someone something to show my thanks and the one appreciates it.

Not remembering the name of the book, it said that the author(?) did some research about what makes humans most happy and it was unexpectedly ''giving''.

Jesus also said ''It is blessed to give than receive.''.

The moment when a child gives a present that they made to their parents saying ''Thank you always.'' is maybe a little embarrassing for the child but it's extremely blessing for both of them, right?

Normally (in Japan) it's what the kindergarten teachers make them do but as for God he doesn't have anyone that is higher than himself, so He's the only one who can make them do so, right? haha.

He gives us happiness, hardships, and everything, so it can be one of the happiest things to thank Him for those all.

And, this is what you maybe can hardly feel when you have a hard time in your life though, not that way but when you're absolutely happy and calm and peaceful, isn't it unexpectedly stressful when you just receive the graces?

So I also think that the thanks offerings are also for us humans who receive the daily grace to have a good mental balance.











And then, why did God demand so in detail like that?(you can see it in leviticus)

I reckon that the ultimate way of thanking someone is that first you get to know what would make the one happiest and then in a good limit of your ability you sacrifice yourself for it.

Looking back on the presents I've received so far, they all made me happy or gave me a good memory. However, what remains most strongly in my mind is the presents that they devoted themselves just for me to get what I'd told them that I wanted.

Maybe, it's because it's difficult to see their minds with presents that I don't ask for.

Actually, I've received quite a few presents that I could hardly see how I should receive with a good mind, and also me, I have given some presents that I came to see were just self-satisfaction after giving them.

And as for their offerings for God either, they were probably not happy to kill animals for offering(because they must give high-qualified ones and it'd have been a task), which is self-sacrifice, so that maybe could mean well their thanks for Him.

But still, after all, it would have ended up being pleasant for them too, I believe.

By the way, isn't it interesting and funny that what God told them that He liked to have was the smell of grilled meat and baked bread?

You know, it's same as humans, huh? lol

In Genesis it says God created humans as in His image, but even such part, did He make humans be the same way?haha


What I wondered about the offerings for their sins was why they must do it even for what they didn't realize, and even when they'd touched dead animals without being aware.

Especially the dead animal thing seemed to me whatever because it looks like not related to what Jesus said ''Love your neighbor as yourself.''

But I realized that in the first place rules are always defined by someone like that way (not only things easily understandable , for example murder and affair), plus maybe someone who touched dead animal can infect others with its bacteria, so it can be also about ''love for your neighbor'', and God demands us to be humble, which is I think is the happiest way for us to live because that way we can always thank for everything we receive, so…now I don't need to wonder about that anymore! do I?
