嫌いだった聖書 I hated the Bible | リコーダー吹きの休日Recorderist's Holiday

リコーダー吹きの休日Recorderist's Holiday

Hi, I'm Yuuki Saitoo, a recorder player.
I'm doing this hoping this can be a break for someone.

(電話のみ/Only talk)

(English below)









I was born to a family in a haunted house…no, a shabby church like that.

My father who is a pastor told me that some elementary school students who walked by it would often mock at it.

So, when I was a boy, in my room there was my own bible, and one day a friend of mine came to my house and as soon as he found the Bible and flipped through it he said ''Scary…''.

I was shocked to hear it and realized ''Non-christians can feel that way…''.

(Japanese people could feel that way.)

And growing up I've doubted the Bible and hated it many times so far.

And that made me suffer as if I'd come to know that my parents had been a fake.

From light ones to heavy ones, I'm gonna write about how I doubted them and got over them.

Keep it in your mind that there will be things that you couldn't understand if you're not christian, and I don't know everything about the book, also it's gonna be just my own thoughts, so it can be wrong and it can be changed in the future.







As I wrote in the beginning, and also as the Bible says ''I expose the false prophets as liars and make fools of fortune-tellers. I cause the wise to give bad advice, thus proving them to be fools.(Isaiah44:25)'', all the things that I'm gonna write here can be wrong.

Or first, I'm not wise.

(TOC below.)


Though christians say ''the Bible is God's word.'', what is the foundation? 

・なんで神はアダムとエバが罪を犯すと知っていながら食べちゃいけない禁断の実を置いたのか。悪魔まで放置してさ。そもそも悪魔ってホントにいるのか?Why did God put the forbidden fruit knowing Adam and Eve would commit it? Not only that but also the snake? First, Does Satan really exist? 

・キリスト教って罪つみツミtsumiうるさいよね。世界が暗く見えて嫌にならない?Christianity is always saying ''sin, sin, sin, sin" ,which makes the world look dark. Isn't it disgusting? 


Though God can foresee the future, why did He say ''I'm regretting making humans.'' at the event of Noa's ark? 


Why are there sufferings in the world? 


Why does God let evil humans be born? 

・神はなんで昔はよく人に現れてたのに今は現れないの?Though God used to show himself often, why doesn't He do so now? 

・イエスの事を受け入れたら過去の罪が赦されるってずるくない?It's unfair that if you accept things about Jesus your sins would be forgiven, isn't it? 

・「神を信じなかったら地獄行き」って酷くない?Isn't it too cruel that if you don't believe in it you would go to Hell? 

・なんで旧約聖書の神は人を殺したり殺させたりするのかWhy did God in the old testament kill people and make them kill?

・なんで旧約聖書時代、神はイスラエル人に対して、わけの分からないとも言える決まりを沢山作ったのかWhy did God make the rules that you would regard unreasonable in the era of the old tastament? 

・なんで神は自分に捧げ物をするようにイスラエル人たちに言ったのか?普通自分でそれ言う?しかも何を捧げるかまで事細かに。Why did God demand offerings from Israelite people? Isn't it strange to demand such things for oneself? not only that but in detail? 

・クリスチャンが聖霊をもらってるっていうなら、なんでクリスチャンたちはこうも考え方がバラバラで、中には首を傾げざるをえないような事をする人もいるのかIf christians have been given the holy spirits why are they so different at their ways and some christians do what seems to be bad? 

・なんで神はクリスチャンの祈りに沈黙する事があるのかWhy does God sometimes keep silent with christians' prayers? 

・「キリスト教は、全てを神のおかげで神のせいにするから、自分の力で頑張りたい私には合わない!」''Christians tends to attribute everything to God, so it doesn't suit me wanting to do things on my own!'' 

・なんで信じないと与えてくれないんだろ?本当にそれが必要だと思ってるのに、信じられなかったら与えてくれないなんて酷くない?Why doesn't He give us what we ask him when we don't believe? We think it's a need, so it's merciless, isn't it? 

・聖書には悪霊に憑かれた人がよく出てくるけど、精神病とかだったんじゃないのか?奇跡も沢山出てくるけど、今の時代はなんでほとんど無いのかね?In the Bible people who were possessed by evil spirits appear a lot, but isn't it just some mental illness? And miracles also appear a lot but why in this era don't we see things like that almost at all? 

・なんで聖書は性的な事を「汚れてる(クリーンじゃない)」ってしがちなのかWhy the heck the Bible tends to define sexial things as ''unclean''? 

・性欲って何のためにあんの?性欲が無かったら性犯罪も減るだろうにさ。What is sex drive for? If it didn't exist, sexial crimes wouldn't happen, right? 

・なんで同性愛の人たちが非難されるのか?Why should gay people be blamed? 

・なんで神は自ら人に姿を現して全員をいわゆるクリスチャンにしないの?多分そしたら皆信じるからその方が手っ取り早くない?Why doesn't God show Himself to make everybody christians? I guess everybody would believe if it happened so that's easier, isn't it? 

・神が世界を造ったっていうけど、じゃあその神は誰が造ったんだ?You say God created this world, but then who created the God? 

・聖書って考古学的にや科学的に見た時に問題があったり、聖書それ自体に矛盾があったり、聖書の成り立ち上''一神教''が疑わしかったりすらするよね・・・the Bible has some problems with archeology and science, and there are some contradictions in itself, moreover even monotheism can be doubtful with the origin of the book, right? 

・聖書って「親を憎め」「右目をえぐり出せ」「体罰しろ」だのって過激な教えが多いのなんで?In the Bible there are some scary lessons as ''Hate your parents.'', ''Gouge your eye out.'' and ''Punish your child physically'', why? 

・伝道者の書ってなんであんなネガティブで天国なんて無いみたいな事まで言ってるのに聖書の一つとして位置付けられてるんだ?しかも都合のいいところだけよく引用されるけどそれっておかしくない?Why is Ecclesiastes in the Bible, which includes many negative things as far as 'there's no heaven'? And is it unfair that they refer only things convenient for them? 
