Rugby Park Academy English Class - Season 1, Week 2 Report

Thursday April 13th 2017

11−14 years old - 18:00-19:30

15−18 years old - 19:30-21:00 


Main Theme: Run, Catch, Pass 


Warm Up

'10 X Pass' in teams


Sandwich Pass Variations

Flat Pass

Back Of Hand Off-Load

Round Back Off-Load

Spin Pass


Pass Technique

Body Part Focus

1 - Elbows Fixed to Body

2 - Punch Pass (1 Arm and Hand)

3 - Punch To Side (Adding Guide Hand)

4 - Run & Pass


Attack Choice 2 on 1

To think about Pass Timing and Judgement


Wide Touch

4 on 4


The 11-14 class is still very quiet. They take a little time to understand my instructions as a group because those who understand English better help the others get my meaning. I will have to be careful to keep the right balance of simple yet engaging activity and clear instruction. 


I have told them a couple of times now that the main focus of the class is rugby, not English. My hope is that they relax and enjoy the rugby and then the English language benefits will gradually come.


With the warm-up pass exercises, some of the smallest students struggled with the ball size and the fact that some of the skills are new but I think they enjoyed the opportunity to start practicing some ball skills that are less 'orthodox'.


There are students in both groups that will benefit from more opportunities to focus on run, catch pass.


KH moved from the younger to the older class and there are a couple of other 14 year olds currently in that class. He's experienced so I think he'll get more out of it.