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The preview alone was a waste of time
I loved this documentary. I was brought to tears more than once. Especially, regarding brave Sophie Scholl. She is a reminder to be brave, standing for righteousness when facing challenges, whatever lies ahead..

Propagandist movie made by a sociopath, warning! Totally deceptive, designed to manipulate the audience into an insecure male's mind and feed his own bank account..
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Ya but when is it coming? This advertisement was done in February
Lincoln would have been a Democrat today. Google party platform switch
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Just watched this movie. Great movie! Everyone should watch it with an open mind. God bless the United States and protect our President Donald Trump. Thank you, Dinesh for being a true patriot..
Funny how nationalists always ignore the National part of Nazi. Your so enamored with your favorite football team ... er, sorry, political party, you can't see that left or right doesn't matter. You know they are just short-hand descriptions, meaning nothing at the individual level: still go to work to pay your bills, still stressing about money, still trying to get someone you've had your eye on for a while to give you their number. As Alex Jones says, left or right populist, doesn't matter. Both sides have successes, both have failings. That's why together we're stronger..


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This is some quality dumb stuff. Is Dinesh still relying on americans not knowing about the southern strategy. How come his right wingers are the only ones supporting Mussolini, Hitler and the slave holders if they were left-wing as he claims? It is a mystery..

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Abe Lincoln was a tool of the banks and railroads. He is responsible for the deaths of over 700,000 Americans,soldiers and civilian.The South fought the civil war over the outgoing tariff not slavery,and economic domination by the northeast bankers. Check out Professor Tom DiLorenzo if you want the truth on Ole Abe. His legacy of federal tyranny is with us today and getting worse..

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He didn't win the election. The electoral college placed him in office and before you go calling me a libtard, I voted for Trump but it should make you suspicious that the electoral kicked in and placed him in office against the will of the people. I still believe he is a better choice than Clinton but our nation is in serious trouble and if this is just trashing one party and not the other then you will learn nothing from it. Both parties are owned by the same puppeteers..

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You gotta love PS+ :)
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The Shield: Justice For All Download Full Watch Here Without Membership.
Its an okay came took less than 6-5 hours to beat. Gets repetetive after a while. For an arcade its not bad. This looks like it has new levels. Other than that i see nothing new about it. If its 20 bucks its not worth it but if its 14.99 or 9.99 then yes..

So bad that an Indian tells history of America to Americans ..

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The Dead nation

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An excellent film! A MUST see movie!

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Oh my goodness The Rotten Tomatoes Critics (All Liberals) btw All calling bs saying Dinesh is a Liar and that we who agree are all crazy That we have History backwards Yeah right lol. Do they honestly beleive that ? These people are deranged. I bet those people giving bad reviews on Rotten didn't even watch the damn Movie. I love it though..

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I loved the original dead nation on ps3, it was lots of fun, but with this, and so many other ps3 games being announced or released on ps4 (this, injustice, uncharted 1-3 golden abyss and the card game) to name a few, it does make me think why did i bother getting a ps4 on launch when half the games are just rehashes of ps3 games that i already own on ps3.... i was hoping for a dead nation sequel or something, but it's the same game, i hope then it at least has a completely different trophy list, otherwise i'll just skip it, already platted it once and sunk many hours into it on ps3... with nothing new i won't on ps4.

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So fantastically accurate

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I finally rounded up my teens and watched this last Sunday. As we were leaving, an usher hurried to us to ask what we thought of the movie. He then added, It's just that ya'll (haha yes, I'm Texan) are the youngest people we've seen! The oldest quickly answered that it was a good, very informative movie...that Dinesh knows his stuff. Then I asked the usher, What did you think of it? His response was, I've only ever watched the last 20 minutes as I'm waiting to collect the trash. I do think it's very opinionated. The movie is about his opinions. OMG!!! My daughter and I both responded simultaneously with Umm, no those are facts. He even interviews different people and goes to different locations for the fact-based history. The usher then says, Well, I don't really follow politics. Me: This is why it's important for you to read and learn about history and how it impacts us. This is why it is important to get informed with fact. This is why this movie is important. The usher was very sweet but naive. He is willing to learn, so Dinesh and others need to be willing to continue to inform! Other note: I did notice that there were about six older white couples in the theater with myself (Hispanic) and my three teens (hispanic/black) which was also interesting to the usher. My oldest is a HUGE supporter of Dinesh, Ben, and Steven Crowder (all three love him especially my son...I wonder why, haha)..