アメリカ人と香港人のmamaに、巻き寿司レッスンを開催(#^.^#)I had Rolled Sushi class with moms from the US and Hong Kong.

ご主人の駐在で日本に3年住んでいたり、旦那さんが日本人でもなかなか日本料理を習う機会がなかったそうです(^^;何度作っても、巻きずしがぐちゃぐちゃになったり…どんな味噌を使ったらいいのか分からなかったり…Even though my American friend who came to Japan 3 years ago for her husband's job and the other one is from Hong Kong but has a Japanese husband --there was no chance for them to learn Japanese cuisine in a formal class setting.


 他国に住んでいても、なかなかローカルなお料理を習うチャンスはないですよね(;^_^A…I understand their sentiments. If I were them, and I lived in another country for a long time but have no opportunity to formally learn a particular cuisine, I will not have a chance to learn how to cook it.



特に手作り味噌には感動されていました!お味噌汁より、野菜に味噌つけてディップするのがお気に入りでした!味噌も自分で作りたいとのことでしたが、もうすぐ帰国してしまうので…アメリカまで味噌持っていけそうにないので、断念していました( ;∀;)they are so impressed on how to make a home made miso and they want to make it by themselves.Using Miso for dip with vegetables are best rather than using miso for miso soup. However, fermentation takes 6 months so it will not be good for consumption before my American friend goes back to US.



レッスンで生徒さんからいただいたコメントです(*^^*)Here are the comments from my students.


★寿司って、好きな具材なんでも入れていいんだね~We can put anything such as Avocaodo, cream cheese inside of the rolled sushi, not only raw fish.


★なんで、わさびをつけるの?Why you always eat Sashimi with Wasabi?Wasabi protects you from food poisoning.
★麹ってなんですか?What is the Koji for making Miso?日本の国菌に指定されている菌ですよ~koji is a very unique ingredient that can only be found in Japan
★味噌っていつどうやって作るの?How to make homemade miso?We make Miso in winter time due to fermenting Miso smoothly.In the summertime, mold grows easily.