パームビーチ プレイブック - 2024年6月4日 | aria何でも歌い隊@じゃじゃ馬信徒


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Palm Beach Playbook - June 4, 2024

June 04, 2024

June 4, 2024


PERMANENT INVASION – Nothing Crooked Joe Biden announced today will “shut down” the border or “limit” asylum claims. He did the opposite, in fact — by establishing a weekly minimum number of illegal aliens allowed into the country and expanding eligibility for his fraudulent asylum scheme.


In short, Biden is trying to make the border invasion permanent.




Biden’s new order will fast-pass the entry of even more illegal aliens into the country by simply routing them to ports of entry, where they’ll be processed and released into the country to await adjudication years from now.


It’s yet another expansion of illegal immigration under Biden, who has already offered mass amnesty to hundreds of thousands of inadmissible aliens.


Biden could actually shut down the border any time he wanted. But he refuses. The only way to end the bloodbath is to re-elect President Trump in November.


For more, click here.


PRESIDENT TRUMP RESPONDS – In a must-watch response, President Trump called out Joe Biden for aiding and abetting the invasion of our southern border: “Crooked Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of our country by far, has totally surrendered our southern border. His weakness and extremism have resulted in a border invasion like we have never seen before.”


President Trump explained the truth behind Joe Biden’s executive order, and how – far from securing the border – it actually makes the invasion permanent: “The truth is that Joe Biden’s executive order won’t stop the invasion. It’s weak and it’s pathetic. It will actually make the invasion worse. Millions of people a year will continue to pour across our border and be released into our country. And we recently learned Biden is secretly granting mass amnesty to hundreds of thousands of these illegal aliens, along with welfare, government benefits, work permits, and jobs.”




Biden’s “plan” is to legalize the worst border crisis in U.S. history. President Trump’s plan is to secure the border. In the words of President Trump, “On Day one, I will seal the border, stop the invasion, and send Joe Biden’s illegal aliens back home.”


The contrast could not be clearer.


NO REGRETS – Confusing Putin and Xi Jinping, lying about inflation, and doubling down on failed policies…Biden’s TIME interview was a disaster.


Among a litany of concerning and baffling claims, Joe Biden’s comments on border security particularly stick out. He was asked if he regrets reversing President Trump’s policies and creating the border crisis. Even after all of the death and destruction, he said no.



In fact, he said he wishes he’d have dismantled President Trump’s border security policies sooner.


Of course Biden is unapologetic; he created the border crisis on purpose. He is unfit to be president.



パームビーチ プレイブック - 2024年6月4日




恒久的な侵略 – ひん曲がったジョー・バイデンが今日発表した、国境を「閉鎖」したり、亡命申請を「制限」したりする事実は何もない。実際はその逆で、不法滞在者を週に最低限入国できる人数を設け、不正な亡命制度の資格を拡大した。














トランプ大統領はこう答える。 トランプ大統領は、ジョー・バイデンが南部国境への侵略を幇助したと非難し、「わが国の歴史上最悪の大統領である、ひん曲がったジョー・バイデンは、南部の国境を完全に放棄した。彼の脆弱さと過激主義は、我々がかつて見たことのないような国境侵略をもたらした。」と述べた。
















