共和党、トランプ大統領への一致団結した支持を表明 (その1)2023年3月31日 | aria何でも歌い隊@じゃじゃ馬信徒


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Republicans Show United Support for President Trump

March 31, 2023

“While NY faces an open season for crime, the Manhattan DA is focused on arresting a former president. This is what an assault on democracy looks like – using government power to go after your political opponents – & it’s coming directly from those who proclaim to ‘defend’ it.”

— Governor Kim Reynolds, Iowa


“It is beyond belief that District Attorney Alvin Bragg has indicted a former President and current presidential candidate for pure political gain. Arresting a presidential candidate on a manufactured basis should not happen in America.”

— Governor Glenn Youngkin, Virginia


“D.A. Bragg should resign for his abuse of power and targeting on Donald Trump.”

— Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Arkansas


“TRULY, what has happened to OUR America? I am so sorrowed about the lack of respect shown toward the commitment and accomplishments that President Trump has given us. I am so sorrowed at the witch hunt on President Trump and his entire family. I am so sorrowed at the lack of respect toward us - OUR America. Mr. President, Melania, and all the Trump Family (especially my huntin' buddies Don Jr. and Eric): Thank you from all of us. You shook up the world and invaded the liberal playhouse. I have always treasured our friendships and will never waiver. Pour it on CHAMP!”

— Governor Jim Justice, West Virginia


“Weaponization of our courts for political grievances is an abhorrent abuse of power. The George Soros-supported NYC DA is only furthering the radical liberal agenda to have elections determined at the jury box rather than the ballot box. America deserves better.”

— Governor Greg Abbott, Texas


“I do not see anything that is reasonable, anything that is honorable, anything that is legal, or anything that is even ethical about what this prosecutor has done.”

— Governor Henry McMaster, South Carolina


“Today is an absolute outrage and tragic day for our country. This left-wing Soros DA has decided to use the power of his office to indict Donald Trump—facts and law be damned!”

— U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, Texas


“Wonder if DA Bragg remembers Durham DA Mike Nifong who withheld exculpatory DNA tests on the Duke lacrosse players. He was subsequently forced out of office, disbarred, and convicted of contempt of court…”

 — U.S. Senator Rand Paul, Kentucky


“Radical leftists have been going after President Trump since day one - this sham of an indictment is no different. Instead of blindly attacking the 45th President, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg should address the skyrocketing crime epidemic in his own backyard - a direct result of soft-on-crime policies. This latest witch-hunt will only make President Trump stronger.”

— U.S. Senator Markwayne Mullin, Oklahoma


“There is a reason that federal prosecutors had already declined to pursue charges against Donald Trump. It is clear that the allegations against him are politically motivated and are based almost entirely on the testimony of ex-employees who wish him harm.”

— U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, Mississippi



共和党、トランプ大統領への一致団結した支持を表明 (その1)



— キム・レイノルズ知事(アイオワ州)



— グレン・ヤングキン知事、バージニア州



— サラ・ハッカビー・サンダース知事(アーカンソー州)



— ジム・ジャスティス知事、ウェストバージニア州



— グレッグ・アボット知事、テキサス州



— ヘンリー・マクマスター知事、サウスカロライナ州



— テッド・クルーズ上院議員(テキサス州)



— アメリカ合衆国上院議員ランド・ポール(ケンタッキー州)



— マークウェイン・マリン上院議員(オクラホマ州)



— アメリカ合衆国上院議員ロジャー・ウィッカー(ミシシッピ州)