trigonometry 三角関数 the branch of mathematics dealing with the relations of the sides and angles of triangles and with the relevant functions of any angles.

rote 丸暗記 mechanical or habitual repetition of something to be learned. - - A poem learned by rote in childhood.

hunch 予感 a feeling or guess based on intuition rather than known facts. - - She was acting on a hunch.

dedicate 捧げる devote (time, effort, or oneself) to a particular task or purpose.- - Joan has dedicated her life to animals.

abhor 嫌悪する  regard with disgust and hatred. - - Professional tax preparers abhor a flat tax because it would dry up their business.

tar 評判を傷つける  blame or damage the reputation of (someone). - - He is trying to stop his company from being tarred by association.

hired hand 短期労働者 a person hired to do short-term manual work.

top こま a conical, spherical, or pear-shaped toy that with a quick or vigorous twist may be set to spin.

crimp 折り曲げる compress (something) into small folds or ridges.- - She crimped the edge of the pie.

blame  責任を負わせる assign responsibility for a fault or wrong. - - The inquiry blamed the engineer for the accident.

A BTU (British Thermal Unit)represents the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. エアコンの冷却能力の単位

hibernate 冬眠する (of an animal or plant) spend the winter in a dormant state. - - Some species hibernate in tree roosts.

tusk 牙 象やセイウチなどの長い牙 a long, pointed tooth, especially one specially developed so as to protrude from the closed mouth, as in the elephant, walrus, or wild boar.

cashew カシューナッツ an edible kidney-shaped nut, rich in oil and protein, which is roasted and shelled before it can be eaten. Oil is extracted from the shells and used as a lubricant and insecticide and in the production of plastics.

skillet フライパン