arbor 東屋 a shady garden alcove with sides and a roof formed by trees or climbing plants trained over a wooden framework.

spellbound 魔法にかかる hold the complete attention of (someone) as though by magic; fascinate. - - The killer whale gave the spellbound audience a good soaking.シャチは聴衆をたっぷり魅了した

teak チーク材 hard durable timber used in shipbuilding and for making furniture.

coif コイフ帽子 a woman's close-fitting cap, now only worn under a veil by nuns. - - Her black habit and white starched coif. (v) style or arrange (someone's hair), typically in an elaborate way. - - Her elaborately coiffed hair.彼女の精巧にまとめられた髪

enthrall 魅了する capture the fascinated attention of. - - She had been so enthralled by the adventure that she had hardly noticed the cold.

sparrow 雀 a small Old World bird related to the weaverbirds, typically with brown and gray plumage.

heave 重いものを持ち上げる lift or haul (a heavy thing) with great effort. - - She heaved the sofa back into place.

carve 肉を薄切りする cut (cooked meat) into slices for eating.- - He stood carving the roast chicken.

apply 申請する make a formal application or request.- - You need to apply to the local authorities for a grant.

lax 緩い lax security arrangements at the airport

slate 候補者リスト a list of candidates for election to a post or office, typically a group sharing a set of political views. - - Another slate of candidates will be picked for the state convention.

pry 詮索する inquire too closely into a person's private affairs. - - Sorry, I didn't mean to pry.