ベジタリアンの理由 | バイリンガルベジタリアン



I am a vegetarian. I haven’t eaten meat for almost 20 years. I never liked meat, but that is not the reason I became a vegetarian. Today, I will talk about the reasons why.




The first and foremost reason is that I feel bad for the animals. They are born and killed purely and simply for human meals. Many people forget or try not to think about the fact that these animals have feelings. The animals really do fear being killed. They also become very friendly once we treat them like our pets. Eating cows, pigs or chickens is the same as eating dogs and cats for me.




The second reason is for the benefit of environment. Many trees in our rainforests are being cut down in order to make room for fields and pastures for the above mentioned animals. We need rainforests and trees to reduce CO2 levels. Many books and reports say that a predominantly meat-based diet is one of the biggest factors involved in global warming. If we stopped eating meat, we would be able to stop global warming as well.




The third reason is because of the millions of starving people all over the world. So many people around the world are living below the breadline and have inadequate supplies of food. On the other hand, many people in developed countries eat meat and worry about gaining weight. That is unfair. If we converted the land for pastures for rearing cattle into vegetable field for poor countries, we would solve the world’s poverty crisis.




The final reason is for my health. When I was a child, I became sick very easily, but I became much healthier after I became a vegetarian. Many people think a meat diet causes many kinds of sickness, such as heart attack, cancer and even asthma or allergies. I don’t have to worry about such things thanks to my vegetarian diet.




For the above 4 reasons, I stopped eating meat and believe that I am living a happier life than most people. It is actually difficult to be a vegetarian in Japan, because there are so few vegetarians and I usually don’t have many choices when I eat out at restaurants. However, someone has to take the first step and guide other people to live happily without meat. I really believe that person could be me!





The first and foremost reason



justの代わりにpurely and simply を使ったほうがさらに主張できます

They were killed just to feed humans.

They were killed purely and simply to feed humans.



Because of the starving people

Because of the millions of starving people



living below the breadline


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If you are interested about a raw food diet or the lesson, you can learn more from here.


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