日本では平尾氏、辻井氏、ドイツではG.Kraft, イタリアはU.Amalidi、オーストリアはE.Griemayer、フランスは
イギリスでは大きな施設がまだないのですが、B.Jones の叫びが以下からきこえます。


粒子線は普通深部ガンによいといわれますが、ここでは浅い 乳がんに適用すると肺へのダメージがないと

Table 1. The advantages of charged particle therapy (CPT) in a range of anatomical situations
Cancer bearing region Advantage of CPT
Breast Avoid irradiation of heart, lung and brachial plexus
Head and neck Reduced dose to spinal cord, salivary glands, eyes, bone and brain
Pelvis (e.g. prostate, bladder, rectum) Reduced irradiation of bone, sparing of organs such as bladder, rectum; large sarcomas are safely treated without sacral plexus damage
Gynaecological system As in pelvis, but also improved dose to lateral parametrium, better distribution for vulvar cancers; can be used where brachytherapy not feasible; field extension to para-aortic region with less toxicity
Limbs Reduced lymphoedema and deformities
Lung Better preservation of lung and heart function
Liver/pancreas Marked reduction in acute effects, can safely dose escalate for radio-resistant cancers, e.g. hepatoma, cholangiocarcinoma
Paraspinal/para-aortic Sparing of small bowel, spine and kidneys
CNS Reduction of irradiation to sensitive structures such as hypothalamus, pituitary, reduced risk of stroke
Reduction of collateral irradiation to tissues outside the CNS, e.g. all tissues anterior to spine
and reduced irradiation of appendages e.g. external auditory apparatus and eye, etc.