My qilin story | 時間に縛られずに自由に働く世界線 チーリン qilin

時間に縛られずに自由に働く世界線 チーリン qilin


QILIN was born 2012, inspired by two big events of my life.

One was giving birth of my son, and other was my mother's cancer.

Those two big event's made me aware of holistic wellness care.

First, I started qilin as an onlineshop of underwear for ladies.

I made the underwear with natural materials - hemp, linen, and silk.

They are all stress-free and body-friendly.

In the journey, I found the amazing power of hemp.

The awareness led me to know CBD.

Now, qilin is selling not only ladies' underwear but also various CBD products.

qilin will set body and soul free!

Hemp is a mysterious plant.

It helps you to sharpen your senses.

It leads you to rediscover your authentic self.

You can do anything with hemp - put on it and eat it.

Througt my life with hemp, now I found that I am totally released from being not real self.


