Namikawa-san's IT report. | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ


 月末にOSに関する基礎を、会社の非公式勉強会で教える予定になっているので、久しぶりに(amazonではなく)ジュンク堂に行ってきましたが……結局一冊も買わずに帰ってきました。改めて言うのもなんですが、詳細な技術書は、どれも厚すぎ! とても持ち帰る気にならない。


 さて、今回も研究課題レポートからの抜粋。著者はNamikawa さんで、得意分野のEC2中心の検証です。


Hi there, M.S. here.

We will be having an informal study session on the basics of operating systems at the end of this month. To this end, I went to Junkudo (a well known bookstore chain here in Tokyo) to look for books for this. However, I ended up returning home without buying a single book. This is not the first time I am
saying this, but complex technical books are just to thick. Just picking them up makes you not even want to think about carrying them all the way home! To add to this, good books dealing with this times topic are hard to come by, they are either sold out or out of print for the most part. Even at Junkudo, there was just one book on Plan9 and books on distributed operating systems such as Spring and Amoeba(VAM) etc. where nowhere to be found. I really wish Japan would get itself a good E-book market in the near future...

This weeks article is an excerpt from a research report by Mr. Namikawa. Mr. Namikawa is particularly well versed in matters regarding EC2, which is what this report deals with. CyberAgent Inc. is also at aiming to expand it's large-scale cloud abilities to provide a single platform for all companies in the CyberAgent group to use. This task has been entrusted to Mr. Maeda's cloud computing team and it will
still take quite a while to complete, but it is progressing steadily.

That is all from me for this week, please enjoy the article.