Ameba Pigg Application Engineer ( by Kosaka.) | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ








Hello, folks. I'm M.S.

Today, we'll post two blog articles about Ameba Pig and about the famous Japanese satellite 'Hayabusa'.

The first article is written by Kosaka. He is in charge of the online fishing game, Ameba Pig Fishing. It was a very hard project to make this fishing game, one that forced him and his co-workers to take on a very heavy workload. However, it was easy for him because he was used to working for some terrible companies that are famous for their heavy workloads. He usually tries to take on difficult tasks like this project. That's why now his next project is to climb a high mountain and put his body under stress.

Our company used to hold a mountain climbing training program for new workers two years ago. Some people sometimes tell me that we should do this training again, because it gave many participants not only physical toughness but also a better sense of teamwork. If this training is held again, I hope he'll join it in place of me.

By the way, the fishing game I mentioned above is very popular among players. Some of them have made websites how to get a high score, and one famous economist's son grumbled to me at a recent social gathering because he can't get a high score on this game. Actually, I asked Kosaka how to get a high score on this game. However, he only told me to choose good bait and a good fishing rod. I got tough with him again. I said to him, 'The old style programmers sometimes made a special way to get a high score to drum up sales or get players to debug the code. I thought you would have included a similar feature in this fishing game.' But he only said to me, 'I am a new type of programmer. The answer is no!'. Oh, man...

Ok. Please check his article.