I was lazy to update my blog for a while..... かお

How did you enjoy your Valentine's Dayはてなマーク
I think I mentioned about it last year, but I am not a big believer of Valentine's Dayラブラブ
But I am a big believer of Non-Valentine's Day恋の矢

If you are in relationship, why do you take Valentine's Day so important?????? I think 364 Non-Valentine's Days are as important as 1 Valentine's day in each year.......!!

Well, actually I was planning to go fishing to Bass Lake near Yosemite with my friends in LA without noticing it was Valentine's day. I asked Matt to come with me and also he did not notice that it was Valentine's Day, but said he was gonna come with me.

Actually things did not work out very well.....汗
So Matt and I became the only ones going to Yosemiteラブラブ Well, which may be better anyways, right!?

I always wanted to go to Winter Yosemite.....
I saw a picture of Half Dome with snow, and I always thought about going up there during winter!!
But as you guys may know..... I dated with guys who are not interested in outdoor activities.......あせる So nobody was interested in Yosemite that much in my past relationships. I have never thought going up there by myself since I will be scared of driving there.......

Luckly, Matt is interested in going up to Yosemite with me during winter雪
I totally chose the right and best man in the world for me黄色い花
Well, the weather forecast showed horrible weather....... AS USUALガーン whenever Matt goes with me, it will be a horrible weather......

Nahoko’s photoframes (in English)

Well, this is the first picture I took when I entered Yosemite Valley.
You can see how bad the weather was......

Nahoko’s photoframes (in English)
And this is the dining area during summer.......
Nobody is eating outside,......
Nahoko’s photoframes (in English)
literally chilling.........得意げ

We walked to Lower Yosemite Fall. There were amazing views there-
Nahoko’s photoframes (in English)

Found tiny snowman雪
Nahoko’s photoframes (in English)

This is Lower Yosemite Fall. You do not need any effort to see this fall, so it is pretty busy during summer.
But it was pretty quiet in Winter.雪の結晶
Nahoko’s photoframes (in English)

With my loveラブラブ Thank you for taking me here-ラブラブ
Nahoko’s photoframes (in English)

Well..... if you see this much of snow......

There is only one thing you have to do!!

Nahoko’s photoframes (in English)

Making a snowman

I grew up in snow, so I made snowmen every single year!!
Nahoko’s photoframes (in English)

Nahoko’s photoframes (in English)

Nahoko’s photoframes (in English)

Um..... it is not really edible.......
Nahoko’s photoframes (in English)

Nahoko’s photoframes (in English)

So this is Yosemite Fall.
We went to the LOWER one...... maybe we can go to the upper one during summer晴れ

Nahoko’s photoframes (in English)

Nahoko’s photoframes (in English)
My camera and technique are not good enough to show how beautiful it was..... Unfortunately......

But, it was seriously beautifulラブラブ!

I was really glad that Matt took me to Yosemiteラブラブ
It was the best Valentine gift I have ever had. Well, Matt himself is the great gift for me all the timeエヘッ

From Hw49,
Nahoko’s photoframes (in English)

Nahoko’s photoframes (in English)

It was really beautiful-キラキラ
If you have a chance and have a great guy like me to take you to the Yosemite during winter, I recommend you to go there!!

I really really really had a great Valentine's Day weekend with my loveラブラブ