We are back from Vegas!!
Vegas was busy city as usual-音譜 But it was really fun trip with my loveラブラブ

Well, I will update the pics later......

This was my third time in Vegas, but I had never been to Hoover Dam before....
If you watched the movie "Transformer"サイバトロン, you are familiar with the Dam...... Something was hidden in the Dam in the movie...... I forgot what it was..... some cube, I think. (Okay... I am not very Transformer personnel here...... I was not paying full attention to the movie, maybe.....)
Well, that was Hoover Dam.

So I was checking what kind tour they had at Hoover Dam
It was Matt's birthday, so I was thinking to take him to the tourケーキ
There were three tours available.

1. Active Army Tour
2. Powerplant Tour
3. Hoover Dam Tour

1 was very cheap, and I was not interested in Army base in Hoover Dam. 3 was the most expensive one, but I was not so interested in the tour contents itself.... So I decided to go to Powerplant Tour!!

Okay.... All American readers think "What the hell is Nahoko talking about?" now.....

You know.... I thought I was not paying attention to the movie "Transformer" that much..... but I was paying enough attention to make such a stupid misunderstandings......

Active Army tour is nothing about ARMY BASE え゛!
It is the dicounted tour price for Active U.S. military people......汗
I am glad that I did not decide to take Active Army Tour since I did not notice my funny misunderstandings after I bought tickets for the tour...... I told Matt that there were three tours and I chose one of them.... then he noticed my misunderstandings and told me what Active Army tour is.... .にゃ
This was not first time to hear about Active Army discount at all....... There were many times before and I knew what it meant!!
However, I know there was no Transformers inside the Dam, but in my mind, Hoover Dam and Transformer was still connected somehow..... and I totally into my idea of having Army base in the Dam.... and could not think anythink else any more.....ガーン

At least......

I did not come up to the entrance and ask for "Active Army tickets"......
If I did ask for Active Army tour....... I would be soooooooooooo embarrassedにひひ

Now just thinking about it makes me laugh pretty badly べえ